Troubleshooting Procedure
Keysight X8711A IoT Device Functional Test Solution User’s Guide
Incorrect Slot for 34999A
Placing the 34999A in slots other than
Slot 200
will display the pop-up below in
the 34999 Utility software.
On TAP, you will see a message
“Failed to open source (Unable to obtain
controller firmware version...”
– Ensure 34999A in Slot 200 in Hardware Setup procedure in the
34972A Connectivity Error
Connectivity errors often occur when the software (TAP) fails to communicate and
establish a connection (wired or wireless) with the hardware (Keysight 34972A).
Possible root causes include using a faulty cable to connect the hardware, keying
inconsistent VISA address, or using offline instruments.
Such connectivity errors will stop the ongoing test plan abruptly as TAP is unable
to establish a connection with Keysight 34972A, producing insignificant results.
Here are the two possible error messages when the connection of the Keysight
34999 to the 34972A is inactive.
Inner Exception: Could Not Connect to Keysight 34999A with Resource
Name: <VISA Address of 34972A>
Inner Exception: 34999A can only be used with Keysight 34972A. Please
check that the correct instrument is being used.