SUPERtrol-I LE Flow Computer
Calibrate 0 mA Out
Sub-menu Group
Calibrate 20mA Out
Sub-menu Group
Keypad test
Sub-menu Group
Display test
Sub-menu Group
Press Enter to enter keypad test.
Press the various keys and the display will show the key
that was pressed. Press Menu to exit the test.
Press Menu to get back to Keypad test top-level menu.
Press Enter to enter display test.
Upon pressing enter the each digit on the display will
scroll 0-9 then A-Z. Press menu to exit the test.
Press Menu to get back to Display test top-level menu.
Calibrate Sub-menu group.
Connect ammeter to (+) TB1-15, (-) TB1-16. Press enter.
To trim 0mA output: Press CLEAR to enable editing
and enter a small negative number (i.e. -0.100) to force
a display reading, then clear and enter small quantity
measured on your meter.
The display will return to Calibrate 0mA out. Press the
down arrow key to advance to Cal. 20mA out or repeat
above if necessary.
Connect ammeter to (+) TB1-15, (-) TB1-16. Press enter.
To trim 20mA output: Press CLEAR to enable editing and
enter the current reading that is on the ammeter display.
Press enter.
The display will automatically return to the Calibrate
20mA out Sub-menu. Calibration is complete.
Press the Menu key to go back to Calibrate top-level
Keypad test
Keypad test
Key pressed—> ENTER
Keypad test
Display test
Display test
Calibrate 0mA out
+ TB1-15 - TB1-16
Calibrate 0mA out
Enter mA: 0.00000
Calibrate 0mA out
+ TB1-15 - TB1-16
Calibrate 20mA out
+ TB1-15 - TB1-16
Calibrate 20mA out
Enter mA: 20.00000
Calibrate 20mA out
+ TB1-15 - TB1-16