At this point you have set the button so that it turns a note on when you press it, but now you also need to
make it send a note off when you release it, so continue as follows:
Press the
key from home position to start edit and display the edit menu options.
Turn the Data Wheel to the right (clockwise) until the display shows:
Press the
key – Button to Edit should still be the correct one
Press the
key – leave Minimum Levl at 0
Press the
key – leave Maximum Levl at 127
Press the
key – the screen will show
Turn the Data Wheel one click to the right – the screen will display:
Press the
key – the screen will display:
Turn the Data Wheel four clicks to the right – the screen will display:
Press the
key – the screen will display:
Turn the Data Wheel one click to to the left – the screen will display:
Press the
key – the screen will display:
Turn the Data Wheel to the right (clockwise) until the screen shows:
Again, you can speed up the process by holding the shift key down whilst you turn the
Data Wheel
Press the
key – the screen will display:
Press the
key to save your data
Press the
key to go back to
To use this example, first select a note number by using the slider – this is shown in the display.
60 is a good number to start with as this is middle C. Press the button and a note-on will be sent,
release the button and a note-off will be sent.
In the above example you could easily have used a fixed value for the note and a variable value for
the velocity instead.