Details of the Control Freak
System Exclusive Specification
The first five bytes of the Freak’s own SysEx messages are common to all data types.
N.B. the h suffix means hexadecimal
[ 1 ] 0F0h – Begin SysEx command
[ 2 ] 00h – Company ident first byte
[ 3 ] 20h – Company ident second byte
[ 4 ] 13h – Company ident third byte
[ 5 ] 09h – Product code – Control Freak Studio (16 slider)
64 byte Single data dump
F0h, 00h, 20h, 13h, 09h, 40h, prog_num , slider_num , data........data, F7h
where prog_num is a (decimal) number between 0 and 127
where slider_num is as follows (decimal) :
0 – 15
Sliders 1 to 16
16 – 31
Button-on 1 to 16
32 – 47
Button-off 1 to 16
48 – 55
Function key-on 1 to 8
64 – 71
Function key-off 1 to 8
96 – 103
Program (all 8 values return the same program data)
112 – 119
Global (all 8 values return the same global data)
64 bytes of data sent low 4 bits, then high 4 bits, so 128 bytes are actually sent.
data bytes will have their high 4 bits set to zero – i.e. 0000LLLL , 0000HHHH
n.b. values must always be sent even if not required – i.e. prog_num for function keys
64k Block data dump
F0h, 00h, 20h, 13h, 09h, 50h, block_num , data........data , checksum_lo , checksum_hi , F7h
where block_num is as follows (decimal)
All Slider data (data from all 1024 sliders – 64 x 16)
All Button-on data
All Button-off data
All Program data/Funtion keys-on/off/Global
64k bytes of data sent low 4 bits, then high 4 bits, so 128k bytes are
actually sent.
Data bytes will have their high 4 bits set to zero – i.e. 0000LLLL , 0000HHHH
checksum_lo/hi 14 bit additive checksum sent as 2 bytes each having bit 7=0
so original data – 00HHHHHH LLLLLLLL is sent as 0LLLLLLL, 0HHHHHHL
64k Library data dump
F0h, 00h, 20h, 13h, 09h, 60h, library_num , data........data , checksum_lo , checksum_hi , F7h
as above except library_num can be 0 or 1 only to select library 1 or 2.
256k All 64 programs data dump – inc function keys & global (approx 293k sent)
F0h, 00h, 20h, 13h, 09h, 50h, 70h, data........data , F7h
256k bytes of data are sent in a packed format where every 7 bytes of 8 bit data are sent as 8
bytes of 7 bit data.The 7 MSBs are sent in the first byte and the following 7 bytes are the original 7
bytes sent with their MSB set to zero. Can be used to clone Freaks.
3136 byte Complete Program dump
program data + 16 s16 button-on +16 button-off ( =49x64)
F0h, 00h, 20h, 13h, 09h, 70h, prog_num , data........data , F7h
where prog_num is a (decimal) number between 0 and 127
3136 bytes of data sent low 4 bits, then high 4 bits, so 6272 bytes are actually sent.
data bytes will have their high 4 bits set to zero – i.e. 0000LLLL , 0000HHHH