Saving a SysEx File
How to save a SysEx file without a sequencer
It is possible to save your profiles without using a sequencer. Instead you can
use a dedicated SysEx editor.
Set the Freak to the type of SysEx
dump you would like to do (single,
program or block) before you press
Open up your SysEx editor and make
sure the input is set to your sound
Press store on the Control Freak and
you will see the data passed to the
SysEx editor.
Save the set up.Your profile is now
saved and can be restored to the
Freak at any time.
To restore a Control Freak profile,
load your saved SysEx file from
Edit on the menu bar.
Copy in to out. Now select the
output of your sound card and
select send on your SysEx editor.
You will now see the green light on
the Control Freak flash and then
update its memory.The profile has
been put back into the Freak.
The above screenshots are from the PC shareware product SysLibEd, which
you can download from http://www.october28.com. You don’t need SysEx
knowledge to use it and it works well with the Freak.