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If login was successful, the gateway web server menu will appear, showing an overview.
From the menu, select >IP network< to edit the network settings.
Then click on >Save< to apply the settings.
Edit the gateway IP address (optional)
If you change the preset IP address of the MASTER 2.0|2.1, you will need to amend the IP ad-
dress in the configuration files.
These steps can be skipped if you use the preset IP address.
Amend the gateway configuration file
The IP address of the MASTER 2.0|2.1 must be stored in the configuration file for the BACnet
gateway. To do this, select the >Modbus IP< tab, followed by >Files< in the menu.
Save the global dispatch file (.txt file) to your computer. Windows will standard save the file to
the Downloads folder.
Do not change the name of the file!
Amend the global dispatch file