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Estimated Formula is as follows:
Difference +10
Corner-Rectify Coefficient K=1- ———————— =1- ——————
Pressing Weight *75% 10000*75%
You can also directly try several data to avoid estimation.
Note: If the weight is 10kg less, then the difference in the formula will be –10.
Auto Corner
For details refer to Chapter 5.
Enter the calibration function under unload and stable state. Press “Enter” in “
” to
set zero point. After that the indicator displays
. Then load calibration weight.
The closer to the full capacity the better, for example 10000Kg. Press “Enter” after the
platform is stable, there will be a value displayed in the indicator, which shows load cells’
ISN. In normal conditions, the value should be near to the calibration weight, for example
around 10000. Press “Enter” again and the indicator display
. Then enter loaded
weigh, for example 10000. Wait for several seconds and quit calibration state automatically.
Till now, the calibration has finished and can begin inspection and usage.