Chapter 9 Installation & Debugging
Installation of Scale platform & Load Cell
Install the platform and load cells on the Foundation level that previously prepared.
During installation, ensure the precision of the load cells’ location and let the platform
fully press on the load cells. Separately connect load cells’ wire to the junction box.
Each load cell shall have a unique address. Note down each load cell’s installing
position in the platform and their wires’ connecting position in the junction box for the
requirements of debugging and maintenance. When the indicator shows a malfunction of
certain load cell with its address, we can immediately find out which wire belongs to this
load cell and thus convenient for inspection. Finally connect the load cells to the 9 pin
jack of the indicator by a general wire (Provided). The length of the general wire is 15
meters. There are no potentiometers or resistance in the junction box. All four pin wire
adopts parallel connection mode.
Note: The general wire provided by our company is 15 meters long. If you need
longer general wire during practice please contact with our company. The indicator
may work improperly if you adopt other company’s general wire. Our company
hereby reminded that we will not be responsible for the consequence caused by such
Setting of indicator coefficient
After connecting the Load cell, junction box and indicator, plug in the 15 pin
calibration plug. After turning on the indicator, it begin stroke self inspection and then
enter weighing state. Press “Calibration” to enter calibration state to set indicator
coefficient (For details please refer to chapter VI). Set indicator’s load cell number
according to the connected load cells. Press”Weigh” back to the weighing state, you can
also press “Check” to enter coefficient setting until back to the weighing state.
Then inspect each load cell’s corner-rectify coefficient K(Press “manual
corner-rectify”. It is required that the K of the load cell is all 1.0000 (For details please
refer to chapter V).
Platform Installation & Adjustment
In order that the installed platform is level and the load cells share balanced force, use
indicator to inspect and properly adjust. Steps are as follows
When unloading, inspect each load cell’s loading state (Load cell’s ISN). The load
cell’s ISN is a value round to the shared weight of the platform. And the summation of
all load cells’ ISN value is round to the weight of the platform. Theoretically we
presume the platform uniform mass distribution. So, the load cells installed in the center
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