Series 2200 Programmable DC Power Supplies Reference Manual
Section 3: Remote operation
2200S-901-01 Rev. C / March 2016
Commands cause the power supply to perform a specific function or change one of its settings.
Commands have the structure:
A command header is made up of one or more mnemonics arranged in a hierarchical or tree
structure. The first mnemonic is the base or root of the tree and each subsequent mnemonic is a level
or branch off of the previous one. Commands at a higher level in the tree may affect those at a lower
level. The leading colon (:) always returns you to the base of the command tree.
Queries cause the power supply to return information about its status or settings. Queries have the
You can specify a query command at any level within the command tree unless otherwise noted.
These branch queries return information about all the mnemonics below the specified branch or level.
Query responses
When a query is sent to the power supply, only the values are returned. When the returned value is a
mnemonic, it is noted in abbreviated format, as shown in the following table.
Query response examples
Command entry
Follow these general rules when entering commands:
Enter commands in upper or lower case.
You can precede any command with white space characters. White space characters include any
combination of the ASCII control characters 00 through 09 and 0B through 20 hexadecimal (0
through 9 and 11 through 32 decimal).
The power supply ignores commands that consists of just a combination of white space
characters and line feeds.