The computer is capable of handling multiple timed intervals during a ride. An interval is the time
between the start and the end of a defined set. An instructor can choose how long they would like
an interval to be and have participants switch from seeing the cumulative (running) time on their
computers to working within a specific (timed) interval.
Using the interval feature on the Keiser indoor cycle is an excellent way to: 1) encourage riders to
work at a specific intensity for a defined amount of time and 2) use the information from each set as
a comparative tool.
For example, an instructor may choose to ask participants to repeat three 30-second work intervals.
The instructor can cue riders to start an interval (see explanation below). As riders end each interval,
they can observe their data and use that information to decide how they want to approach the next set.
At the completion (interval end) of any timed-interval, the computer will display the averages from the
set. This information is shown for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the computer will return to displaying
the running and real time information as gathered throughout the ride.
A rider can set an interval at any time, for any duration of time. However, it is generally the instructor
who will provide guidance on the duration and focus for the interval(s).
Starting an Interval
Once an interval is started, interval time 00:00 will appear after 5 seconds.
At the conclusion of the entire workout, cumulative averages will be displayed using the information
from the entire ride.
Stopping an Interval
Once an interval is ended, the averages data will blink for 10 seconds before returning back to displaying
running (cumulative) time.
Quickly drop the shifter to
gear 1 from a higher gear.
Pause for 1/4 second and then
move the gear shifter up.
This will start the interval.
The computer will display
“inL #” confirming the
interval has started.
Quickly drop the shifter to
gear 1 from a higher gear.
Pause for 1/4 second and then
move the gear shifter up.
This will end the interval.
The computer will display
“inL end” confirming the
interval has ended.