of Heart-Rate Monitoring:
Motivation —
like a coach, it brings objectivity to a training program
Biofeedback —
teaches riders to read their body’s response to exercise
Analysis —
to design a personalized training program
Detects over-training —
heart rate that is 10% higher than normal upon waking may be
the result of over-training
of Heart-Rate Monitoring:
Inconsistency —
at the same heart rate, riders may not be putting out the same effort
Lag time —
there is a 15- to 30-second lag time between exertion changes
The Keiser M3/M3i Bike incorporates two training zones:
Start-up or recovery training zone at 50–70% of estimated maximum heart rate
Improved fitness or higher caloric expenditure zone at 70–90% of estimated maximum heart rate
When riders understand their training zones, they can increase or decrease their workload accordingly.
For example, if a rider’s recovery training zone is calculated at 80–100 beats per minute and his or her
actual heart rate is 120, the rider needs to decrease intensity. If the rider’s improved fitness zone is
140–170 beats per minute and his or her heart rate is at 130 beats per minute, the rider should increase
the workload by pedaling faster and/or with more resistance.
The start-up or recovery training formula is 50–70% of estimated maximum heart rate. Use the
following formula to determine the start-up or recovery training zone:
The working zone (higher caloric expenditure zone) formula is at 70-90% of estimated maximum heart
rate. Determine the working or high caloric zone by using the following formula:
The Inactive Individual:
When an inactive or sedentary individual starts exercising, recommend that
he or she stay in the lower training zone for the first two weeks of training, taking part in two to three
workouts per week. This allows for an easy break-in period, which will help prevent excessive seat
discomfort and DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). The individual may progress to the next level
when they feel comfortable or as prescribed by their doctor or certified fitness professional.
The Active Individual:
If individuals have been exercising regularly for a minimum of two times a week
and lead active lifestyles, it is recommended that they begin Keiser M3/M3i indoor group cycling classes
two to three times a week. They can also spend 60–80% of their workout in the higher training zone.
A good rule of thumb is to perform a couple of drills at a higher zone, followed by a drill in the lower zone
to help recover, especially if the two higher-zone drills were performed at or above anaerobic threshold.