Collagen-Tanning instructions
is primarily a skin care system
for the targeted build-up of collagen. It is optionally
possible, however to administer a UV-dose. In this
case, follow the instructions below.
Notes regarding UV-tanning
As a rule, an averagely tanning skin has achieved
a uniform tan after three to fi ve tanning sessions.
These sessions should take place every second day.
To preserve the suntan achieved, one or two tanning
sessions per week are normally suffi cient.
Sunscreens with sun protection factors are
unsuitable for use in a tanning salon. For tanning, the
skin should have been thoroughly cleaned and be
dry. For optimum skin care, we recommend using our
“AfterSun” line of body-care products after tanning.
Any person that complies with the requirements
laid down in the chapter “Intended use” may use
the device.
Never exceed your personal minimum erythema
dose (MED).
If reddening of the skin (erythema) occurs hours
after tanning, temporarily stop tanning.
If unexpected effects (such as itching) occur within
48 hours after the fi rst tanning session, you should
consult a physician before tanning again.
Once fi nal tanning has been achieved, additional
tanning is only possible by greatly exceeding the
permissible tanning times. It is essential to avoid
UV-radiation from the sun or from UV-devices can
cause irreversible skin or eye dama. These biologi-
cal effects depend on the type and amount of ra-
diation as well as on the individual sensitivity of the
In cases of pronounced individual sensitivity or aller-
gic reactions to UV-radiation, a physician should be
consulted before beginning tanning.
After excessive exposure to radiation, the skin
may exhibit sunburn. Excessively repeated expo-
sure to UV radiation of sunlight or UV appliances
can result in premature ageing of the skin and in a
higher risk of skin cancer.
The unprotected eye can suffer from surface in-
fl ammation, and in certain cases, e.g. after a cata-
ract operation, excessive radiation can damage
the retina. After many repeated sessions, a cata-
ract may form.
Seek medical advice if persistent swellings or
sores develop on the skin or if pigmented moles
change in appearance.
Always wear the supplied protective goggles.
Contact lenses or sunglasses are no substitute for
the pr
otective goggles!
Remove cosmetics before tanning and do not use
any sunscreen, or products that accelerate tan-
Allow for at least 48 hours to pass between
After a tanning session in a studio, do not take
another sunbath out of doors on the same day.
Protect sensitive areas, such as scars, tattoos,
and genitalia, from radiation.
O p e r a t i n g I n s t r u c t i o n s
mon amie