– –
Lift the stop rail end
With holding down the set lever
Turn it up until it halts
Figure 7
Washer Screw
Figure 6
Pin of Drive Rod
This goes off from
the drive rod pin.
Figure 8
Stop Rail Arm
U-Shaped Part
[Instructions] - Turning the Stop Rail -
Pull down the set lever to release the action part from the mount/dismount state.
Remove the washer screw and bush (semitransparent) located on the side of the action unit low tone part, as
shown in Figure 6.
* This screw helps preventing the stop rail from dropping off.
Lift up the end side of the stop rail and turn it to this side until it halts, as shown in figure 7.
* The U-shaped part of stop rail will come off from the screwdriver rod as shown in Figure 8.
* If you lift up the stop rail with pushing the set lever down slantwise, it will smoothly turn.
* When you get back the stop rail, make it sure that all the five U-shaped part will perfectly fit to the pin of drive rod.
( Alligning the U-shape to the pin, pull the set lever with holding down the stop rail, then it will smoothly fit to
the pin)
By observing the above steps, you can safely extract the action unit of GP-ATX.
Rotating the sensor units and stop rails will make easier performing regulation and voicing.
For restoring the action unit, perform the above steps in the reversed way.
Do not forget to pull down and set the set lever back, and also to re-connect and fix the cables with the
binders after putting the action back into the piano.