– 18 –
【D】Checking Keyboard and MIDI
From the “【C】 Checking the LCD” state, press the [Play/Stop] button one time.
The following message will appear on the LCD.
Connect MIDI IN with MIDI OUT in a loop using a MIDI cable.
Check if the sound is emitted from the headphone (for the -f model, you can use the speaker instead)
by playing the keyboard.
If no sound is emitted, the MIDI board is faulty.
※ Check first if all the cables are properly connected.
【E】Checking the Sound Source
From “【C】 Checking the LCD” state, press the [Play/Stop] button repeatedly until the message below
is displayed on the LCD.
5.TG all channel
After this message is displayed, check if every key tone is emitted by half-tone from the lowest bass tone.
※ By performing this, it is verified that the sound source is functioning all over the diapason.
【F】Checking the L/R Channel
From “【C】 Checking the LCD” state, press the [Play/Stop] button repeatedly until the message below
is displayed on the LCD.
Use the headphone and check that a sound comes out from the L channel when the [Demo] button is
pressed on the switch panel, and that the same happens from the R channel when the [Menu] button
is pressed.
※ It is recommended to decrease the volume since a pure tone will be emitted.
【G】Checking the Hammer Sensor
From “【C】 Checking the LCD” state, press the [Play/Stop] button repeatedly until the message below
is displayed on the LCD.
8.Max touch
Concert Grand 1
When the key is pressed down, the sound will be emitted at a maximum regardless of its strength.
Press down all keys one by one and check if they all emit a sound.
※ It is recommended to decrease the volume since the strongest sound will be emitted.
※ If there is a key that does not emit a sound, the sensor may be faulty.
【H】Adjusting the Volume Inconsistency
Perform this operation if the sound volume balance is obviously inconsistent when each key is pressed
down with the same strength.
This operation must be performed also after replacing the sound source board.
※ Usually the electronic sound volume is set as flat with the balance between the keys. However,
the key touches sometimes are not even because generally smoothness and friction are slightly
different per each key on the piano keyboard and action.
This adjustment will be performed for correcting such inconsistency of feel.
From “【C】 Checking the LCD” state, press the [Play/Stop] button repeatedly until the message below
is displayed on the LCD.
C.Key Adjust
Key: xx = xxxx
In this state, check the sound volume consistency by pressing down one key at a time.
The key number depressed and its offset will then appears as follows.
C.Key Adjust
Key: 60 = 0
(The offset is set by factory default. When the sound source board is
replaced, the offset will become 0 for all keys.)
If the volume of a key is lower or higher in comparison with the other keys, press down the highest
note key (Key No. 88) to add +1 as offset.
Press down the second highest note key (Key No. 87) to add -1 as offset.
C.Key Adjust
Key: 55 = +1
C.Key Adjust
Key: 74 = -1
If you perform the No. 87 and 88 key operations while pressing down and holding some of the other
keys, the offset will be applied to all the keys being depressed.
If you perform these operations without pressing down any keys from No. 1 to 86, the offset will be
applied to all these keys.
C.Key Adjust
Key:all = up
C.Key Adjust
Key:all = down
※ Keys No. 87 and 88 are not adjustable since they are dedicated for the volume adjusting operation.
※ By pressing down keys No. 87 and 88 simultaneously, all the offsets already set will be cleared.
C.Key Adjust
Key:all =reset
After finishing the operations, when pressing down the soft pedal, the message below will appear on
the LCD and the new offset value will be recorded.
C.Key Adjust
C.Key Adjust
Save completed
C.Key Adjust
Key: xx = xxxx
※ Caution: If you turn the power off without pressing down the soft pedal, no offset will be recorded.
【I】Checking Software Version and Check Sum
Press down and hold the [Value ▼ ], [Tone] and [Dual] buttons simultaneously, then turn the power on.
When the following message appears on the LCD, release the buttons.
Vx.xx sum:yyyy
(The value of x and y might differ depending on the version
The version of software and the sum value will be displayed.
To exit from this mode, turn the power off.