RoboRIO Libraries
Android Library (FTC)
NOTE: The 2019 Version of the navX-sensor Android Library for FTC has currently been tested with the
FTC “ftc_app” library for the 2019 season, and has been verified to operate correctly with the REV
Expansion and Control Hubs.
The navx_ftc Android software library supports access to navX-Model devices via the I2C
communication interface. Several example programs are provided, demonstrating how to use a navX-
Model device in a FTC-based robot control application.
To use the library, you can download the of the libraries, or you can
the source code with
Git. To learn more about the library,
Getting Started
Before getting started, ensure you have installed
and the indicated Android Studio Project
FIRST Tech Challenge Programming Resources page
Several sample Java Robot Applications are provided. After running the setup program included in the
, the libraries and samples will be installed to the following location:
For example, if your user name is Robot, the directory name will be C:\Users\Robot\navx-mxp\android.
Within this directory, the “examples” sub-directory contains several example programs. Select the
example you wish to start with and copy it into your project as follows:
Copy one or more of the example navX-Model “op modes” files from the <HomeDirectory>\navx-
mxp\android\examples directory into your project’s “TeamCode” top-level directory. (i.e.,