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Using the fiberscopes

Použití fibroskopů

Einsatz der Fiberskope

Einsatz der Fiberskope

Die folgenden Hinweise dienen der korrekten 

Be dienung des Fiberskopes und des entsprech­

en den Zubehörs. Sie sind keine Einführung in die 

Technik der Endoskopie. 
Hinweise zur endoskopischen Technik entnehmen 

Sie bitte der entsprechenden medizinischen 


Für Ihr Fiberskop geeignetes Zubehör (Katheter, 

flexible Scheren und Zangen, Führungsdrähte, 

Steinfänger, Sonden für die Lithotripsie, Laser fibern, 

Elektroden u.a.) finden Sie im entsprechen den 





Die Lichtintensität der Licht­

quelle soweit reduzieren, dass noch eine 

optimale Ausleuchtung des Operations­

feldes erreicht wird. Je höher die Inten­

sität der Lichtquelle eingestellt wird, desto 

größer ist die Wärmeabgabe an der Spitze 

des Fiberskopes. 




Niemals das Ende des 

Lichtleitkabels oder die distale Spitze 

des Fiberskops auf oder unter ein 

Sterilabdecktuch legen. Die Intensität 

des Lichts kann zu Verbrennungen 

des Patienten und/oder des sterilen 

Abdecktuches führen.

•  Beachten Sie beim Anschluss und Betrieb 

von Lichtquellen und Saug/Spülgeräten die 

Ge brauchsanweisungen der jeweiligen Geräte. 

Die von KARL STORZ empfohlenen Spül geräte 

sind auf einen maximalen Druck von 54 kpa 

(400 mmHg/0,54 bar/7,8 psi) eingestellt.

•  Die Durchführung von endoskopischen 

Untersuchungen müssen unter aseptischen 

Kautelen erfolgen.

•  Beim Einführen des Fiberskops in den Pati­

enten muss sich die distale Spitze des Fiber­

skops in gerader, nicht abgewinkelter Stellung 

befinden. Das Fiberskop ist entsprechend 

der für en doskopische Verfahren anerkannten 

medizinischen Regeln und Verfahrensweisen zu 


Using the fiberscopes

The following instructions are recommended 

for the proper operation of the fiberscope and 

accessories. This is not a reference for  endoscopic 

Consult the appropriate medical literature for 

information on endoscopic techniques.

You can find accessories for your fiberscope 

(catheters, flexible scissors and forceps, guide 

wires, stone baskets, lithotriptor probes, laser 

fibers, electrodes etc.) in the appropriate 

KARL STORZ catalog.




Always adjust the light source 

to the minimum illumination intensity 

necessary to achieve optimum visualization 

of the operating field. The higher the 

 intensity setting of the light source, 

the  greater the heat energy that will be 

 generated at the tip of the fiberscope.




Never lay the end of the 

fiber optic cable or the distal tip of the 

 fiberscope on or under a sterile cover cloth. 

The light intensity may lead to burns on the 

patient and/or sterile cover cloth. 


When connecting and operating light 

sources and suction/irrigation equipment, be 

certain to read the appropriate instruction 

manuals for the equipment. The irrigation 

equipment recommended by KARL STORZ 

is set to a maximum pressure of  54 kpa 

(400 mmHg/0.54 bar/7.8 psi).


Endoscopic examinations must be carried out 

under aseptic conditions. 


When introducing the fiberscope into the 

pa tient, the distal tip of the fiberscope must be 

in a straight, nondeflected position (control lock­

in can be felt and heard). 

The fiberscope must be handled according to 

the recognized medical rules and procedures for 

endoscopic methods.

Použití fibroskopů

Následující pokyny slouží pro správnou obsluhu 

fibroskopu a příslušného příslušenství. Nejedná se 

o úvod do techniky endoskopie. 
Pokyny k endoskopické technice získáte v 

příslušné medicínské odborné literatuře. 
Příslušenství vhodné pro Váš fibroskop (katétry, 

flexibilní nůžky a kleště, vodicí dráty, lapače 

kamenů, sondy pro litotripsi, laserová vlákna 

aj.) naleznete v příslušném katalogu společnosti 








Intenzitu světla zdroje světla 

snižte tak, aby bylo ještě zajištěno optimální 

osvětlení. Čím vyšší intenzitu zdroje světla 

nastavíte, tím větší bude předávání tepla na 

špičce fibroskopu. 




Nikdy neodkládejte konec 

světelného kabelu nebo distální špičku 

fibroskopu na sterilní krycí roušku nebo pod 

ní. Intenzita světla může vést k popálení 

pacienta a/nebo sterilní krycí roušky.


Při připojování a provozu zdrojů světla a 

odsávacích/vyplachovacích přístrojů dbejte 

pokynů uvedených v návodech k použití 

daných přístrojů. Vyplachovací přístroje 

doporučené společností KARL STORZ 

jsou nastaveny na maximální tlak 54 kpa 

(400 mmHg/0,54 bar/7,8 psi).


Endoskopická vyšetření musí být provedena v 

aseptických podmínkách.


Při zavádění fibroskopu do pacienta musí být 

distální konec fibroskopu v rovné, nezaúhlené 

poloze. S fibroskopem je nutno manipulovat 

podle medicínských pravidel a postupů platných 

pro endoskopické metody.

Summary of Contents for 110 Series

Page 1: ...Fiberskope Serien 110xx 111xx 112xx 113xx 13304C Fiberscopes Series 110xx 111xx 112xx 113xx 13304C Fibroskopy Řady 110xx 111xx 112xx 113xx 13304C ...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...10 Příprava fibroskopu 24 10 1 Připojení napájecích vedení 24 10 2 Řízení distálního hrotu 25 10 3 Odsávání 26 10 4 Insuflace 26 10 5 Zaostření 26 10 6 Instrumentální kanál 27 10 7 Provedení PDD 27 11 DCI fiberskop s kamerou 28 11 1 Montáž 28 11 2 Demontáž 29 12 DIN okulár k DCI fibroskopu 29 12 1 Montáž 29 12 2 Demontáž 29 13 DCI kamera k DIN okuláru 30 13 1 Montáž 30 13 2 Demontáž 30 14 Příprava...

Page 4: ... 9 1 Sterilizace peroxidem vodíku H2O2 ASP STERRAD 44 14 9 2 Sterilizace peroxidem vodíku H2O2 STERIS V PRO 44 14 9 3 Sterilizace etylenoxidem EO 45 14 9 4 Chemická nízkoteplotní sterilizace kyselinou peroctovou STERIS System 1E 46 14 10 Omezení opětovné přípravy 46 14 11 Skladování 46 14 12 Příprava příslušenství 47 14 13 Přehled Čisticí kartáče 48 15 Dodržování norem 49 15 1 Opravy 49 15 2 Odpov...

Page 5: ...pled Interface Telescope Telescope with special filters for PDD AF DCI fiberscopes Direct Coupled Interface Vielen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen in den Namen KARL STORZ Auch in diesem Produkt steckt unsere ganze Erfahrung und Sorgfalt Sie und Ihr Haus haben sich damit für moderne und hochwertige Instrumente der Firma KARL STORZ entschieden Die vorliegende Gebrauchsanweisung soll hel fen die von KARL STOR...

Page 6: ...6 Photographs of the unit Obrázky zařízení Geräteabbildungen DCI PDD OPT 1 Geräteabbildungen 1 Photographs of the unit 1 Obrázky zařízení ...

Page 7: ...sure compensation and leakage tester connection Suction outlet Light inlet piece Instrument channel Objective lens Light outlet Instrument in instrument channel PDD filter changer ALA for special tumor marker based on aminolevulinic acid W for white light AF autofluorescence mode Image waveguides Light cable Locking mechanism secures the tip PDD DCI Zaostřovací kroužek je li součástí vybavení Vlož...

Page 8: ...n 29100 Stopfen für Instrumentenkanal Packung mit 10 St wieder verwendbar 11301CB Absaugventileinsatz wiederverwendbar 5917800 Dichtungsring Absaugventileinsatz 6885391 Kappe Absaugventileinsatz 5923110 Feder Absaugventileinsatz 6927791 Gehäuse Absaugventileinsatz 8567290 Stößel Absaugventileinsatz 11301CE Absaugventileinsatz für Einmal gebrauch Packung mit 20 Stück 11301D1 LED Batterielichtquelle...

Page 9: the working channel green 11301HH Adaptor for leakage test in BHT cleaning machines 11301FF2 Adaptor for leakage test in ETD2 ETD3 cleaning machines with nonreturn valve 11301GG2 Adaptor for cleaning the working channel in ETD2 ETD3 machines 11301KK2 Connecting adaptor for cleaning the working channel in ETD3 cleaning machines 6011590 LUER cap 13242 XL 11301 CD 11301 HH 11301 FF2 11301 BM 1130...

Page 10: ...ptor for connecting endoscopes with DIN eyepiece to DCI camera heads 20260031 DCI eyepiece adaptor for connecting DCI telescopes to camera heads with mounts for DIN eyepieces 39107ALK Cleaning adaptor for use with small LUER stopcocks 20260030 20260031 20260030 DCI a daptér pro připojení endoskopů s DIN okulárem ke kamerovým hlavicím DCI 20260031 DCI Okulárový adaptér pro připojení optických zaříz...

Page 11: ...amination diagnosis and or ther apy in conjunction with endoscopic accessories in various medical fields Contraindications No contraindications are known which directly relate to the product The fiberscope must not be used if in the opinion of a qualified physician such an application would endanger the patient e g due to the patient s general condition or if the endoscopic method as such is contr...

Page 12: qualification KARL STORZ fiberscopes may only be used by persons with an appropriate medical qualification and who are acquainted with the endoscopic technique The information given in these instructions only serves to instruct in the correct handling cleaning disinfection and sterilization of the fiberscopes It is not intended as an introduction to the endoscopic technique 4 Kvalifikace uživat...

Page 13: ...g the product or clarifies important information WARNING Before using the fiberscope read the following safety instructions carefully to avoid putting your patients personnel or yourself at risk WARNING Inspect the fiberscope prior to each surgical procedure to ensure that it is functioning correctly and that it has been correctly cleaned disinfected and where applicable sterilized WARNING This eq...

Page 14: ...ations of medical products used in combination WARNING Lengthy direct contact between the endoscope tip and surrounding tissue may cause tissue damage due to the potentially high temperatures on the tip of the endoscope and must thus be avoided WARNING The fiberscope is delivered unsteril ized and must therefore be cleaned disinfected and where applicable sterilized prior to initial use and each s...

Page 15: ...s HINWEIS Beschädigungen des Fiberskopes die aufgrund von Fehlbedienungen entstehen fallen nicht unter die Gewährleistungsansprüche HINWEIS Bei der Entsorgung oder dem Recyc ling von Komponenten sind die jeweils geltenden Bestimmungen einzuhalten HINWEIS Falls sich Instrumentarium im Arbeits kanal befindet kann durch dessen zusätzliche Steifigkeit die Ablenkung eingeschränkt sein NOTE Any damage t...

Page 16: the working channel in cleaning machines green 11301 CD 1 Cleaning brush for 2 8 x 50 and for 2 8 x 70 27651 A for 3 7 x 65 27651 AL for 5 0 x 65 27651 B for 5 6 x 65 27651 C for 6 4 x 65 27651 C 1 Biopsy forceps only bronchofiberscopes 11001 KL 1 Grasping forceps only bronchofiberscopes 11002 KS 1 Three way double stopcock adaptor with LUER Lock for O2 connection only intubation fibersco...

Page 17: ...essories 1 Suction valve insert reusable version 11301 CB 1 Battery light source 11301 D 1 Adaptor for leakage test in cleaning and disinfection machines green 13242 XA 4 Cleaning adaptors for cleaning macines 11301 GG2 FF2 HH KK2 6 1 1 Příslušenství 1 vložka odsávacího ventilu opakovaně použitelná 11301 CB 1 Světelný zdroj na baterie 11301 D 1 Adaptér pro test těsnosti v čisticích a dezinfečních ...

Page 18: ...zter Richtung 7 3 Lippenventil montieren nur Broncho Fiberskope Das Lippenventil für Einmalgebrauch auf den Instrumentenkanal setzen mit Drehung im Uhrzeigersinn leicht anziehen Kunststoffteil 7 2 Fitting the tube holder only intubation fiberscopes Push the tube holder onto the fiberscope from dis tal and secure it by turning the two parts in opposite directions 7 3 Fitting the lip valve only bron...

Page 19: ...d light guides so that no optical fibers break off It is therefore best to suspend the fiberscopes for storage or keep in large containers Do not jerk the up down control or move forcefully Do not insert the instruments or cleaning brush es forcefully through the channels This may cause damage to the casing especially if the tip of the instrument is deflected Carefully protect the objective lens a...

Page 20: ...llumination intensity necessary to achieve optimum visualization of the operating field The higher the intensity setting of the light source the greater the heat energy that will be generated at the tip of the fiberscope 3 WARNING Never lay the end of the fiber optic cable or the distal tip of the fiberscope on or under a sterile cover cloth The light intensity may lead to burns on the patient and...

Page 21: ...Durchmesser des Zubehörs Ungeeignetes Zubehör kann Fiberskope beschädigen Bei Fragen zum Zubehör wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an KARL STORZ oder an den autorisierten Fachhandel If no instrument is inserted close the instrument channel proximally with a plug Art no 29100 If an instrument is to be inserted position the disposable lip valve Art no 11301 CA to seal off the instrument channel proximall...

Page 22: ...s or other accesso ries that can be opened or closed ensure that the instrument is completely closed prior to insertion into the instrument channel Do not attempt to open the jaws until the distal tip is completely free of the channel Opening the jaws inside the instrument channel can lead to damage to the fiberscope 3 WARNING When using HF electrodes or laser probes make sure that the active part...

Page 23: ...berscope must be removed Once the stone is removed the stone basket may then be taken out of the instrument channel 2 CAUTION The fiberscopes must be cleaned and then reprocessed immediately after the intervention in order to prevent incrustations Dried on incrustations may jeopardize successful decontamination and disinfection 2 CAUTION Use only KARL STORZ accesories guide probes cleaning brushes...

Page 24: ...f the image is not clear but cloudy clean the eyepiece and lens with a cotton applicator soaked in alcohol maintaining hygienic conditions at all times DCI fiberscope image quality can be controlled on screen If necessary clean image waveguides light cables and eyepieces as described above If it is still cloudy it is possible that the objective lens is scratched or that there is moisture inside th...

Page 25: ...on the fiberscope can be adjusted at the control move smoothly and slowly Some fiberscopes have contrapositive deflection direction urology a locking mechanism for securing the fiberscope tip gynecology Modelle mit Lock Mechanismus zur Fixierung des Abwinkelzustandes des distalen Endes drehen Sie den Lock Mechanismus langsam nach distal bis ein Widerstand fühlbar ist 2 VORSICHT Weiteres Bewegen de...

Page 26: ...onnected and switched on 2 CAUTION There should be no instrument in the suction channel during suction The instrument channel inlet should be closed so that no secondary air is drawn in 10 4 Insufflation Under anesthesia connect the O2 hose to the instrument channel using a barbed tube Art no 600007 on the instrument channel or if you are using the three way double stopcock adapter with LUER Lock ...

Page 27: ...lluminated with a special diagnosis light D Light C Adjust the PDD filter changer for special filters designed for this light and possibly for marker substances ALA for a special tumor marker based on aminolevulinic acid W for white light AF autofluorescence mode 1 NOTE If the filter changer is set to ALA or AF a yellowish image is produced when viewing through the integrated special filter 1 NOTE...

Page 28: ...sanweisung der verwendeten Kamera kontrolleinheit beschrieben 1 NOTE The entrance and exit faces of the light cable and endoscope must be kept clean if optimal light delivery is to be maintained Clean the surfaces with a cotton applicator soaked in cleaning solution then disinfect it with a cotton applicator soaked in 70 isopropyl alcohol and dry DCI fiberscopes are focused using the adjustment wh...

Page 29: ...r Snap in DCI Kopplungsmechanismus ist gelöst 12 1 Assembly Slide the DCI fiberscope into the snap in DCI coupling mechanism of the DCI eyepiece adaptor until the coupling snaps in automatically Connect a light cable or a battery powered light source 3 WARNING The instruction manuals of the supply units used must be observed 12 2 Disassembly Remove the light cable or battery powered light source H...

Page 30: ...hteinlassstutzen des Fiberskops anschließen 1 HINWEIS Das Spezial Lichtkabel 495 DC oder 495 DV kann nicht verwendet werden und muss ggf von der DCI Kamera entfernt werden 3 WARNUNG Die Gebrauchsanweisungen der verwendeten Versorgungsgeräte sind zu beachten 13 DCI camera on DIN eyepiece 13 1 Assembly Put the focusing ring if available of the fiberscope in the zero position mark Slide the DCI adapt...

Page 31: ...rts or send the flexible endoscope for repair 3 ATTENTION The pressure compensation cap must be in place on the vent port for sterilization and transport to ensure pressure compensation 3 ATTENTION Never clean flexible endoscopes with metal brushes 3 ATTENTION Constant changing between various reprocessing methods is hard on the materials and should be avoided However a one off change of method du...

Page 32: concentration and exposure times Bear in mind the microbiological range of action of the chemicals 1 NOTE National laws and regulations must be observed 1 NOTE We recommend using a plastic basin for disinfection to avoid damaging the endoscope Furthermore use of a plastic basin prevents electrolytic corrosion which can occur if there are different metals in a solution 1 NOTE The manual Cleanin...

Page 33: ...r and syringe Vent port Use a suitable adaptor 14 2 Precleaning Remove the entire instrument set from the instrument channel Remove the suction valve set from the valve nozzle press the projections on the side together and pull out the suction valve insert Dispose of the removed single use parts Dismantle other parts if necessary and reprocess them separately Heavy soiling corrosive solutions and ...

Page 34: ...regularly with instrument oil 14 3 1 Phase 1 Performing the leakage test dry The connection tube of the leakage tester and the vent port on the endoscope must be dry 1 Attach the adaptor of the leakage tester securely to the product s vent port and lock in place using the bayonet mount 2 Using the leakage tester pump air into the product until a pressure of 160 180 mmHg blue area is reached The an...

Page 35: ...o KARL STORZ for repair Line the carrying case for the product with the transport protective film 13990 SFN If the air pressure does not drop the product is leakproof The leakage test Phase 2 can be performed with the product 1 NOTE To increase safety the leakage test Phase 1 can also be carried out directly after using the product 14 3 2 Phase 2 Performing the leakage test in liquid 1 Lay the pro...

Page 36: ...STORZ and send the product to KARL STORZ for repair Line the carrying case for the product with the transport protective film 13990 SFN If the air pressure does not drop and no bubbles emerge from the product the product is leakproof Remove the product from the liquid and then press the vent button on the pressure tester Wait until the air pressure has dropped to 0 mmHg The product can now be clea...

Page 37: ...ove the product from the cleaning solution 14 If relevant irrigate the lumen with air 15 If relevant remove the adaptor 16 Dry the surface with a soft low lint cloth 17 If relevant connect the adaptor 18 Completely immerse the product in water of the best possible quality 19 If relevant fill the lumen with water using the syringe and ensure bubble free wetting 20 If relevant remove the adaptor 21 ...

Page 38: ...order to remove all chemical residues Sterile filtered water must be used for the final rinsing The endoscope can be disinfected with the following high level disinfection solutions which have been tested by way of example 2 0 accelerated hydrogen peroxide solution e g Revital Ox Resert or Revital Ox Resert XL HLD 14 5 4 Drying Finally the surfaces and channels lumens are dried completely with pre...

Page 39: ...eaning solution using the syringe and ensure bubble free wetting 4 If relevant remove the adaptor 5 Observe the exposure time as specified by the chemical manufacturer during the cleaning process 6 Brush the surfaces of the handle at least 3 times until no residue can be seen anymore 7 The mobile parts must be brushed 8 If relevant clean the valve seats by brushing them and turning them 360 3 time...

Page 40: ...rom the water 14 6 2 Connecting In order to ensure effective machine cleaning and disinfection the endoscope s working and suction channel must be connected to the washer and disinfector using the recommended adaptors 2 CAUTION The pressure compensation cap must not be in place on the vent port for cleaning and disinfection 14 6 3 Machine cleaning chemical thermal disinfection A maximum temperatur...

Page 41: ...0 isopropyl alcohol When cleaning the distal lens always wipe with a circular movement Damaged or corroded medical devices must be withdrawn from use 1 NOTE Inspect plastic parts for discoloration porosity and flexibility If the parts have changed substantially from their original condition they must be replaced This especially applies to seals and rubber caps If there is still residual moisture o...

Page 42: ...udy or if there are visible deposits on the optical surfaces it should certainly not be used routinely during reprocessing Stubborn soiling and deposits can be removed with cleaning paste Art no 27661 For this purpose some cleaning paste is put on a clean damp cleaning bud and distributed on the glass surfaces Polishing ensures that even stubborn deposits are removed 1 NOTE The instrument must be ...

Page 43: ...for sterilization and transport to ensure pressure compensation 1 NOTE All deviations from the recommended sterilization parameters must be validated by the user 1 NOTE When using reprocessing devices please observe the device manufacturers instructions 1 NOTE Sterilization is not possible on surfaces which have been lubricated and oiled The procedures as well as the process relevant parameters fo...

Page 44: ... following STERRAD sterilization processes have been validated and approved by KARL STORZ for this medical device STERRAD 100S Long Cycle with without booster STERRAD NX Advanced Cycle STERRAD 100NX Flex Cycle STERRAD 100NX DUO Cycle 14 9 2 Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 sterilization STERIS V PRO 1 NOTE The STERIS Low Temperature Reprocessing Device Compatibility Matrix can be used to verify whether the ...

Page 45: ...exposure time 60 min 120 min 180 min Ventilation Time 12 hrs 24 hrs 12 hrs Temperature 55 C 131 F Konditionierung Temperatur 55 C 131 F Feuchtigkeit 70 Haltezeit 30 min Sterilisation Temperatur 55 C 131 F Feuchtigkeit 70 Haltezeit 30 45 min EO Konzentration 725 30 mg L 735 30 mg L EO Einwirkzeit 60 min 120 min 180 min Belüftung Zeit 12 h 24 h 12 h Temperatur 55 C 131 F 14 9 3 Sterilizace etylenoxi...

Page 46: ...ocessing The product s service life and correct functioning are largely determined by mechanical stress and chemical influences within the scope of reprocessing and application 14 11 Storage The storage method must be selected taking into account the respective applicable national requirements KARL STORZ only recommends dust protected suspended storage for decontaminated endoscopes Horizontal stor...

Page 47: müssen diesen entnommen werden 14 12 Reprocessing of accessories Extensive accompanying documentation is available for the accessories It is essential that you refer to these documents for further information on handling and reprocessing 14 12 Příprava příslušenství Pro příslušenství existují další podklady související s produktem Zde si zjistíte zvláštní informace k manipulaci a přípravě ...

Page 48: ...962 50 3 2 4 2 mm 230 cm 110961 50 3 2 4 2 mm 190 cm 110960 50 3 2 4 2 mm 140 cm 110952 50 2 6 3 0 mm 250 cm 110951 50 2 6 3 0 mm 165 cm 110950 50 2 6 3 0 mm 120 cm 110942 50 2 0 2 3 mm 160 cm 110941 50 2 0 2 3 mm 120 cm 110940 50 2 0 2 3 mm 90 cm 110932 50 1 2 1 5 mm 200 cm 110931 50 1 2 1 5 mm 125 cm 110930 50 1 2 1 5 mm 90 cm 14 13 Přehled Čisticí kartáče Obj č Průměr pracovního kanálu Délka ka...

Page 49: ...ility and performance of this instrument subject to the following conditions assembly system expansion readjustment modification or repair have been performed by persons authorized by KARL STORZ and that the instrument is used in accordance with the instruction manual 15 3 Warranty The warranties provided can be found in the Standard Conditions of Business of KARL STORZ The medical device must alw...

Page 50: ...quate to ensure prompt replacement of damaged telescopes and instruments Under the repair and replacement plan you receive an identical as new device and are only charged the repair costs for the defective device For telescopes you receive a warranty of 1 year for instruments 1 2 year For fiberscopes and devices individual repair is necessary To bridge the repair period you will receive a device o...

Page 51: devices must be decontaminated on site to avoid contact and aerogenous infections among personnel We reserve the right to return contaminated instruments devices to the sender Repairs modifications or expansions which are not performed by KARL STORZ or by experts authorized by KARL STORZ will invalidate all warranty rights KARL STORZ gives no warranty on the correct functioning of devices or in...

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Page 54: ...Avenue Geroyiv Stalingrada Str 2D office 717 Kyiv 04210 Ukraine Phone 38 095 000 895 0 38 097 000 895 0 38 073 000 895 0 E Mail marketing karlstorz com ua KARL STORZ SE Co KG Representation Office Sabit Orudschow 1184 apt 23 1025 Baku Azerbaijan Phone 99 450 613 30 60 E Mail info az karlstorz com KARL STORZ ENDOSKOPE East Mediterranean and Gulf Offshore S A L Spark Tower 1st floor Charles Helou St...

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Page 56: ...KARL STORZ SE Co KG Dr Karl Storz Straße 34 78532 Tuttlingen Postfach 230 78503 Tuttlingen Germany Telefon 49 7461 708 0 Telefax 49 7461 708 105 E Mail info karlstorz com Web www karlstorz com ...
