Ka st up A/S • Te h i al Des iptio •
Optical eye
The meter is fitted with an optical eye that gives access to the meter's external interface, with which all the
meter's data registers can be read. For instance data can be read using Kamstrup's optical reading head. The
reading head includes a permanent magnet which switches on the optical eye. The interface communicates
at 1200 baud.
In order to limit current consumption the default setting of the optical eye is OFF.
By means of a magnet sensor the optical eye will automatically switch ON, if an optical reading unit with
magnet is placed on the meter. The start-up time of the optical eye (from the magnet is attached to the
meter until the optical eye switches on) depends on the meter's mode as shown in the table below.
Normal mode
4 sec.
Verification mode
0.5 sec.
Fo Ka st up s opti al eadi g head a holde is a aila le, hi h fits flo IQ
® 3100 and is clicked onto the
Below is a picture of optical reading head and holder.