Ka st up A/S • Te h i al Des iptio •
Data function: Maximum flow and minimum flow
flowIQ® 3100 registers maximum and minimum flow on a daily as well as monthly basis. Maximum and
minimum flow are calculated as the largest and the smallest value respectively of a number of current flow
measurements. The average period used for all calculations can be selected in the interval 1...120 minutes in
leaps of one minute. The choice must be made when submitting the order.
If no choice is made, the average period will by default be 2 minutes.
The Wireless M-Bus signal includes max. flow of latest full month if selected during the customer specific
configuration. (see paragraph
Optional register in data logger
Values of maximum and minimum flow are saved in both daily and monthly registers. Daily registers of the
latest 460 days and monthly registers of the latest 36 months are always readable via the optical eye.
The development of maximum flow can indicate an error in the water installation. If e.g., max. flow falls over
a longer period, this can be a sign of a blocking in the installation or a leakage in the supply pipe before the
meter. Maximum flow rate can also be used for an assessment of whether or not the correct size meter has
been installed.
Data function: Measuring temperature
Temperature monitoring
The water meter measures water
and ambient/meter temparatures, respectively. The measurements can
be used to monitor the installation and to give an indication of the quality of water. Both temperatures are
stored in the meter's daily and monthly records
For each day, temperature values, minimum, maximum and average are stored in
the hou s
The register contains the last 460 days.
Each first day of the month, temperature values, minimum, maximum and average, for the latest month , are
stored in monthly register.
The register contains the last 36 months. Temperature values, are referred in °C and can be read using the
optical eye. These are sent via the Wireless M-Bus radio signal. The temperature values can be combined, as
described in section
Optional register in data logger
. See more about temperature reading accuracy in the