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2-1. Overview of the work support function
The producton support functon s acheved by nstallng the IT-00 operaton panel (Intellgent Termnal) to
the sewng machne and operatng t. Ths functon measures the operatng status of the sewng machne and
visually displays the measured data on the operation panel to help improve efficiency of sewing work in vari
ous aspects. Measured and recorded data on the operaton status of the sewng machne can be loaded on
a personal computer by way of Ethernet or varous data storage meda. It s therefore possble to analyze the
data by means of IA- and to accumulate the results of the analyss on the personal computer by gatherng
detaled operaton data from two or more sewng machnes and loadng them on the personal computer. As a
result, the continued efficiency-improving activities for the entire sewing plant can be carried out.
* Refer to the Help for the IA- for the detals of the IA-.
The producton support functon by means of the IT-00 s categorzed nto four functonal parts, .e., work
management functon, ptch tme montor functon, sewng recorder functon and producton management
functon. Each of them has ts own support capablty. Use them by selectng an approprate one accordng to
your needs.
* It should be noted that the work management functon cannot be dsabled snce t manages data on the
sewng machne operaton. Operaton of the other three functons can be changed over between the en-
able and dsable.
(1) work management function
To use the work management functon, work hstory data such as the operator ID, product number and
process number, whch are to be embedded n the operaton data recorded by each sewng machne,
should be entered. The IA- carres out operatonal status analyss based on those peces of data.
Ths functon s also used when loadng the operaton data from the sewng machne nto a personal com-
(2) pitch time monitor function
Wth the ptch tme montor functon, t s possble to specfy an arbtrary target secton to montor the
transton of the producton volume (.e., the quantty of sewn tems) per unt tme and the ptch tme ds-
trbuton and dsplay them on the IT-00 as a bar chart. In addton, the operatonal status such as the
total production volume and average pitch time in the specified section can be analyzed and indicated
numercally. Through these capabltes, the sewng work can be montored over a long tme and vsually
analyzed to enable trackng down of the tme when a problem has occurred.
(3) Sewing recorder function
The sewng recorder functon contnuously measures the number of revolutons and thread trmmng
tmng of the sewng machne at all tmes to show the results on the IT-00 as a lne chart. The sewng
machne operator's skll level s checked and techncal tranng s provded based on the lne graph. It s
possble to dsplay an operator's skll level together wth that of a sklled operator or wth hs/her work data
of the past on a screen for the purpose of comparson, so that the complcated and hard-to-understand
sewng machne operaton can be vsualzed for easer analyss.
(4) production management function
The producton management functon dsplays the target producton volume for gven workng hours and
the actual producton volume to notfy the operator of a delay or progress of sewng work n real tme.
Wth ths functon, the operator s able to carry out hs/her work whle checkng hs/her work pace. Ths
enhances hs/her motvaton to acheve hs/her goal, thereby leadng to a ncrease n productvty. In ad-
dton, ths functon allows early detecton of a delay n work makng t possble to dentfy a problem and
take an approprate measure at an early stage.