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Explanation of displayed information and operating switches on the production management screen
No. 1
A Dsplay of method to cal-
culate the target produc-
ton volume
The method to calculate the currently selected target producton volume s ds-
: Count-up by the ptch tme
: Count-up by the beginning/finishing times of day of work and
the total producton volume
B Target producton volume ds-
The target producton volume as of the current tme s dsplayed.
C Actual producton volume ds-
The actual producton volume s dsplayed.
D Delay/progress dsplay
s dsplayed when the actual producton volume as of the current tme s
smaller than the target producton volume, or
s dsplayed when the former s
equal to or larger than the latter one.
E Target ptch tme dsplay
The target ptch tme for countng up the target producton volume accordng to the
lapse of tme s dsplayed.
: In the case of count-up by the ptch tme, the ptch tme that s set on
the producton management functon settng screen s dsplayed.
: In the case of count-up by the beginning/finishing times of day
of work and the total producton volume, the ptch tme calculated from
the workng hours and total producton volume are dsplayed.
F Latest ptch tme dsplay
Length of tme between two tmes of thread trmmng s measured and dsplayed.
* If the ptch tme s equal to or longer than 00 seconds (30 mnutes), t wll be
regarded as defectve data and ---- wll be dsplayed nstead of the ptch tme.
G Achevement rato dsplay
The rato of the actual producton volume to the target producton volume as of the
current tme s dsplayed.
It allows the operator to know hs/her work pace up to the present
H Daly target producton
volume dsplay
The daly target producton volume correspondng to the currently selected target
producton volume calculaton method s dsplayed.
Producton volume count-
up swtch
The producton volume s counted up wth one tem added.
Daly target producton
volume settng swtch
The daly target producton volume s set.
* When the swtch s pressed, the numerc nput popup screen s dsplayed. Input
a set value n the popup screen.
Actual producton volume
clear swtch
The actual producton volume s cleared.
On every workng day, the exstng actual producton volume should be cleared
before startng work.
Measurement stop swtch
Measurement and recordng of sewng machne operaton data are stopped.
When measurement s beng carred out,
s dsplayed.
When measurement s n the stop status,
s dsplayed.
Dsplay changeover swtch
to dsplay the producton
management screen No. 2
The producton management screen No. 2 s dsplayed.
Producton volume counter
correcton swtch
The producton volume can be corrected by ncreasng/decreasng the number
shown on the counter n ncrements of .