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2-3. Setting procedure to be taken before first use
To use the producton support functon, the “producton support functon operaton enable settng” and “date
and tme settng” have to be carred out wthout exceptons. Be sure to enter data on the requred tems fol-
lowng the steps of procedure descrbed below.
(1) Enabling the operation of the production support function.
<Information mode screen No.1>
) Keep swtch
on the nformaton mode screen No. held pressed for three seconds to dsplay the sew-
ng management nformaton screen No. (Mantenance personnel level).
<Information mode screen No.2>
2) On the sewng management nformaton screen No. , press sewng management nformaton screen No.
2 changeover swtch
to dsplay the sewng management nformaton screen No. 2.
<Sewing management information screen No.2>
3) Then press Producton support functon operaton enable/dsable changeover swtch
to dsplay the
producton support functon operaton enable/dsable settng screen.