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(2) pitch time graph mode
A graph vertcal axs of whch represents the producton volume and horzontal axs of whch represents the
ptch tme s dsplayed. On ths graph, varaton n the workng tme s vsualzed to enable checkng whether
there s a problem work.
In addition, the production volume in the section specified with the cursor
can be dsplayed, and the total
production volume and average pitch time in the section specified with
and can be checked on the
ptch tme montor screen No. 2. In ths way, detaled nformaton on an arbtrary secton can be checked.
* Refer to
. 5-1. How to change over the screen under the normal sewing mode"
procedure to be taken untl ths screen s dsplayed.
<pitch time monitor screen No. 1 (pitch time graph mode operating switch)>
<pitch time monitor screen No.1>
switch to display
the pitch time
monitor screen
production volume count-up switch
Graph scroll switch
<pitch time monitor screen No.1 (pitch time graph mode displayed information)>
volume counter
correction switch
function shifting switch
C. Continuous section display
d. Cursor pitch time display
f. Latest pitch time display
E. display of the production
volume in a cursor section
B. Cursor display
A. pitch time graph display
function selector switch