Pilot Link
The Pilot Link is a unique feature that allows the 10X to be
hooked to another JR transmitter and, when the snap roll button is
depressed on the 10X, the other transmitter has control of the
aileron, elevator, rudder and throttle only, while the “Master”
10X retains all other functions, such as rates, flaps, trims, mixes,
This feature allows the pilot of a very sophisticated aircraft to
“buddy box” with another pilot, allowing him to try the aircraft
without having to learn complicated switch positions or making it
necessary to match the internal programming of the Master trans-
This feature also allows two pilots to fly one aircraft—one pilot
handles the primary flight controls while the other handles the
technical aspect (e.g., mixture, flaps, rates, trims, mixes, etc.).
This is helpful when test flying complex aircraft.
To access Pilot Link, enter Code 78 in the code number access
selection or use the direct mode method.
The screen will appear as follows:
Using the 10X as a Master
Touch SEL until MASTER appears on the screen.
Slave Radio Set Up
If the slave radio is a computer radio:
1. Select a model memory that’s not being used and reset that
memory to the factory default.
2. Now set the modulation to PPM.
3. Center all the trim levers (aileron, elevator, throttle, rudder).
If the slave radio is an analog radio:
1. Set all the reversing switches to normal.
2. Center all the trim levers (aileron, elevator, throttle, rudder).
If the slave radio is a 10SxII or a 10X:
1. Access Pilot Link, Code 78, and touch the SEL key until the
screen reads SLAVE.
2. With the Slave radio turned off and the Master 10X turned on,
connect the two radios using an optional trainer cord in the
DSC jack.
Now, when the snap roll button on the Master 10X is depressed,
the Slave radio will have control of the primary controls (aileron,
elevator, rudder, throttle), while the Master has full control of all
other functions.
Releasing the snap button will return full control to the Master.
Note: When Pilot Link is active, the INFO screen will display
the Pilot Link mode that’s activated.
Note: Once the Pilot Link function is activated, the DSC func-
tion will not operate. To use the DSC function, the Pilot Link
function must be inhibited temporarily.
10X MANUAL Airplane
Code 78
Touch to select
master or slave
to the function
mode screen