• Assigning “LAND” to a Flight Mode results in the flaps lower-
ing to the Land position. The Flap switch is inhibited when this
Flight Mode is selected.
5. Double check your programming before flying the aircraft to
ensure that the flaps deploy the right amount for each Flight
Mode. Also check to see if flap deployment occurs in conjunc-
tion with other takeoff and landing activities, such as the gear
extending. Thoroughly ground check Flight Mode activities
and settings before flying the aircraft.
6. Fly the aircraft to become familiar with the flaps operating as a
part of your Flight Modes.
Servo Speed
If less-than-normal servo speed is desired for one or more chan-
nels and Flight Modes have been activated, the Servo Speed func-
tion (Code 24) must be programmed for Flight Modes. The Servo
Speed function allows the pilot to decrease the speed of any ser-
vos connected to the ten 10X channels (the function cannot
increase a servo’s speed beyond its rated speed). A practical
application of this function is to reduce the speed of the throttle
servo to the extent that “jamming” the throttle stick cannot cause
the engine to flood and die. It can also be used to provide a very
slow throttle response that imitates the spooling-up of a jet air-
craft, thereby adding another measure of realism.
Note: It is assumed that Flight Modes are already active and
the D/R&EXP settings have been established as described above.
1. Access the Servo Speed function (Code 24). Touch MODE to
cycle through the Flight Modes. For each Flight Mode in
which you want to adjust the speed of one or more servos,
touch + or - under the appropriate channel(s) to adjust the
speed of servos that are plugged into the corresponding ports
in the receiver. Values are provided in degrees per second. If a
selected value is greater than the servo’s rated speed, the servo
will move at its rated speed. This function cannot increase a
servo’s speed above its rated speed.
Note: Use caution if you decrease the speed of primary flight
control servos. You may not be able to control the aircraft proper-
ly if the servos move too slowly.
2. Ground test the servo speed settings to ensure that the proper
settings are activated with the intended Flight Modes. Make
adjustments as appropriate.
3. Fly the aircraft to become familiar with this additional Flight
Mode feature.
Gyro Gain
If your aircraft is equipped with a gyro and you would like the
Flight Modes to control gyro gain, perform the steps provided
Note: It is assumed that Flight Modes are already active and
the D/R&EXP settings have been established as described above.
It is further assumed that the gyro is equipped with an in-flight
adjustment feature such as that found in JR’s NEJ-900.
1. Plug the gyro into the AUX 2 port of the receiver and follow
the directions provided with the gyro for other connections.
2. Access the Gyro Function (Code 44). Activate the function by
touching SEL under INH and select the appropriate channels for
gain (Aux2or Aux3) and flight surface (RUDD, ELEV, AIL).
3. Move the AUX 2 switch to the upper position and touch + or -
to set the position-0 gyro gain percentages. Now move the
AUX 2 switch to the middle position and set the position-1
gyro gain percentage in the same fashion. Finally, move the
AUX 2 switch to the lower position and set the position-2 gyro
gain percentage. (See Code 44, page 38, for more details on
setting up the gyros.)
Note: It is strongly recommended that one of these positions be
set for zero (0) percent gain where the gyro is essentially turned
off. This will help to protect against a crash due to an over-sensi-
tive gyro gain condition.
4. Test-fly the aircraft and use the AUX 2 switch to test the gyro gain
settings. Use the Gyro function Code 44 to make adjustments to
the gain settings and test-fly again. Repeat this procedure until
you’re satisfied with gyro performance in all three positions.
5. Access the Gyro function Code 44. Touch PAGE to obtain the
Flight Mode screen. Now assign a gyro gain position (0, 1, 2)
to each of the Flight Modes. Touching SEL under a Flight
Mode (FM-0– FM-4) will cycle through the gyro gain posi-
tions—0, 1, and 2.
6. Fly the aircraft to become familiar with gyro gain controlled
by the Flight Mode switch.
Aileron Differential
If the aircraft is using a wing type of Flaperon, Elevon, or quad-
flap where two channels are used for ailerons and the pilot would
like to employ aileron differential based upon Flight Modes, fol-
low the steps below. This procedure allows for assigning one of
two aileron differential values to each Flight Mode. If one of
these values is set to zero, you will be able to turn aileron differ-
ential on and off.
Note: It is assumed that Flight Modes are already active and
the D/R&EXP settings have been established. It is also assumed
that a wing type of Flaperon, Elevon, or quad-flap is being used,
where two channels are used for ailerons.
1. Access the Wing Type function (Code 22).
2. If you would like a single aileron differential setting to be in
effect for all Flight Modes, touch the + or - keys to set the
amount of differential for the first position (P0) and touch
TURN if necessary to obtain the proper direction.
Programming is complete—touch ENTER to exit the Wing
Type function.
3. At this point it is assumed you would like to switch between
two aileron differential values. If one of these values is set to
zero, you will be able to turn aileron differential off by select-
ing the position that has the 0 value.
Touch PAGE to obtain the switch/position display. For each
10X MANUAL Airplane