1. Insert anchor at bottom of door.
2. Face away from door; lay on back with knees bent and feet flat. Head should be
positioned 1-2 feet from door.
3. Grab 1 handle in each hand.
4. Position hands by head - elbows bent and pointing forward.
5. Begin with a deep breath - exhale, engage core and lift shoulders and upper back off floor.
6. Inhale and return to start with control.
7. Repeat for desired number of reps.
1. Attach anchor at bottom of door.
2. Attach both ends of desired band combination to 1 handle. Facing door; grab handle in
R hand.
3. Step away 1-2 feet; R foot behind L in a staggered stance. Lower torso to a 45° angle to
the floor. Keep chest lifted, back straight, and core engaged.
4. Begin with a deep breath - exhale and pull R arm back so elbow is pointed to ceiling - R
hand just below ribcage.
5. Inhale and return to start with control.
6. Repeat for desired reps, then switch sides.