1. Insert anchor at midpoint of door.
2. Face door; grab 1 handle in each hand.
3. Step back - arms fully extended until slight tension is felt in band.
4. Stand tall, shoulders relaxed, feet hip distance apart and knees slightly bent.
5. Engage core.
6. Begin with a deep breath - exhale as you pull elbows back - bringing hands along rib
cage. Shoulder blades will squeeze together.
7. Inhale and return to start with control.
8. Repeat for desired number of reps.
1. Place both feet hip width apart on midsection of band; grab 1 handle in each hand.
2. Lock elbows against rib cage and relax shoulders. Bring hands to shoulder
level - palms facing inward.
3. Stand tall - engage core.
4. Begin with a deep breath - exhale and step to right side, leading with R heel.
5. Inhale and return to start with control.
6. Repeat for desired number of reps, then switch sides.