1. Insert anchor at middle bottom of door.
2. Face away from door - straddle the band feet hip width apart.
3. Grab the handles, one in each hand between your legs.
4. Step away 1-2 feet; bend at hips and knees - lower torso to a 45° angle to the floor.
5. Keep chest lifted, back straight, and core engaged.
6. Begin with a deep breath - exhale and thrust hips forward while raising torso to a straight
standing position.
7. Inhale and return to start with control.
8. Repeat for desired number of reps.
1. Attach anchor at bottom of door.
2. Face away from door; grab 1 handle in each hand and raise to shoulder height - elbows
pointing out to sides.
3. Step away 1-2 feet; one foot behind the other in a staggered stance.
4. Stand with torso slightly forward - core engaged.
5. Begin with a deep breath - exhale and raise both hands upwards.
6. Inhale and return to start with control.
7. Repeat for desired number of reps.