1. Place middle of band underneath both feet, keeping your feet hip distance apart.
2. Cross the band in front of you and hold onto both handles. Stand tall and engage core.
3. To start, take a deep breath, then exhale and pull both elbows up until they are slightly
above waist.
4. nhale and slowly return to starting position.
5. Repeat for desired number of reps.
1. Place R foot on midsection of band; 1 handle in each hand.
2. Lock elbows against rib cage, relax shoulders. Bring hands to shoulder level - palms
facing forward.
3. Step back with L foot about 12" so that the L heel naturally lifts.
4. Stand tall - core engaged.
5. Begin with a deep breath and lower hips towards floor bending L knee until it's a few
inches off floor. Avoid leaning forward.
6. Exhale and return to start, pressing the R heel into the floor as you rise.
7. Repeat for desired number of reps then switch sides.