LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide
Radiation Heating
Radiation heating provides you with the ability to start heating outputs without
starting the heat pump fan. Hot air mixes with the room air by natural convection.
When you are not using the heating outputs, the option appears as gray text.
Table 21 provides further information on Radiation Heat parameters.
Terminal Load Output
Select either option to include or exclude the economizer in the
terminal load calculations. If the economizer is not included, the fresh
air dampers modulate first; and when they are fully open, the
terminal load is calculated from 0. This is used for power
consumption monitoring. See
Bypass Time
Enter the bypass time. Bypass time is the duration of bypass mode
which begins when the bypass button is pressed in unoccupied or
standby mode. Remember that bypass time does not limit a bypass
period commanded by nviOccCmd.
Enter the maximum CO
concentration that will occur before the UV
allows fresh air into the duct.
Emergency Contact
Input Action
Select the action to occur when the emergency contact is closed-
emergency purge or emergency shutdown. See the
section for more information on these modes.
Mixed Air Temperature
Low Limit
Enter the lowest temperature that you allow the mixed air to reach.
Mixed air temperature low limit is used to control the fresh air
If a CO
sensor is used to control the fresh air damper, the controller
works to maintain low CO
concentrations while keeping the
minimum temperature. For more information see Figure 15.
Table 21: Radiation Heat Parameters
Permit Valve
Radiation Heating
When selected, it enables the valve heating outputs to start on a
heating demand before the fan starts. If this option is not selected, and
the fan is not ON, the valve heating outputs remain OFF.
Permit Local
Radiation Heating
When selected, it enables the local heating outputs to start on a
heating demand before the fan starts. If this option is not selected, and
the fan is not ON, the local heating outputs remain OFF.
Heat Order During
Unoccupied Mode
This enables you to select your unoccupied heating order: Radiation
First, Ventilation Only.
If you select Radiation First, the valve and/or heating outputs start first
on a heating demand. If the option Ventilation Only is selected, the fan
must be ON in order to start any heating outputs.
Table 20: General Settings Parameters