Instruction Manual T601
Revision: 004
Time constant
Sets a time constant T. The target value is reached after 5xT.
The output current follows an e- Function.
If the time constant is longer than 0 seconds, the measurement time
must be set to 5ms or higher.
7.7.16 Copy Parameter Set
Go to <Configuration>, <Copy from Control A>.
A Parameter set may only be copied from Parameter set A! All
parameter of the submenu <System>, <Math>, <System Limits>,
<Relay / Open collector> and <Analog output> are members of the
parameters sets. Therefore, the following Parameters will be copied:
Machine factor 1 and 2
Direction Sensing
Analog input range
Math function selection
Upper and lower limits in System Limits
System Limit inversion
Inclusion of input in the logical combination
Inclusion of sensor alarm in the logical combination
Relay / Open Collector assignment
Relay / Open Collector latch mode
Relay / Open Collector fail safe mode
Analog output assignment
0..20mA or 4..20mA setting
Start and end values
Analog output time constant