8.24 Command PEB – Programmable exposure – Blue
This command allows individual setting of the exposure time of the Blue channel. It is only
valid for the Shutter-Select mode (see chapter 6.2)
2 to 577536, 50 ns to 14.438 ms in 25ns steps
Associated functions:
EI (R and G exposure interlocked with G)
8.25 Command PGC – Enable Flat-field correction (Pixel gain)
This command enables (or disables) the “pixel gain” (flat-field) correction function, which
compensates for Pixel Response Non Uniformity (PRNU) for individual pixels.
1=Factory Setting (default)
2=User area
Associated functions:
Command PGR
Applicable modes:
8.26 Command PGR – Run Flat-field correction and store in user area
This command initiates the flat-field correction function, and stores the settings in the
user area.
0= activate automatic process
Associated functions:
Command PGC must be set to 2
Important note:
The image sensors must not be saturated when executing this function.
When executing this function, the exposure time and line rate should be the same as
when the camera is operated in the application.
Operating procedure for individual R, G and B channel shadings correction:
Before making adjustment,
it is required approximately 30 minutes warming up.
Make sure the output signal is not saturated (80% of full output is recommended)
Set command PGC=2 .
Set command PGR to 0 to initiate shading correction.
If desired, set command SDR to 0 or 1 to activate shading correction to correct the
shading caused by lens or lighting. When the shading correction is performed, the flat-
field correction must be activated before the shading correction is performed.
8.27 Command SDC – Select shading correction mode
This function enables (or disables) the shading correction.
0 = off (Bypass)
1 = Factory setting (default)
2 = User area
Associated functions:
Commands PGR, SDR and SDS
8.28 Command SDR – Run shading correction
This function initiates automatic shading correction, and stores the result to the user area.
This function should be used together with the flat-field correction (commands PGC and
PGR). There are two types of shading correction: Individual R, G and B channel correction
and chromatic shading correction.
A) Individual R, G and B channel correction (SDR=0)
Shading is calculated and individually compensated for R, G and B channels respectively.