Command BL – Master Black Level
This command is a global black level adjustment for all channels. The adjustable range for
master black is 0LSB to 64 (16) LSB. The number in parenthesis is valid for 24-bit output.
0 to 127
Associated functions:
Command BLR - black level for the red channel.
Command BLB – black level for the blue channel.
Commands BLR and BLR – Black level red and black level blue
In conjunction with Command BL, these commands allow individual setting of the black
level in all channels.
-64 to 63
Associated functions:
Command BL
Command EI – Interlocked R, G and B exposure
When this function enabled (interlocked), exposure time for all three is selected by
setting the Green channel and the Red and Blue channels will track.
To obtain white balance, adjust Red and Blue channels, PER and PEB. It is thereafter
possible to adjust overall exposure time by using the command PEG. The Red and Blue
channels will track the Green channel proportionally, thus maintaining white balance
0= independent R, G and B settings
1= R and G channel tracking with G
Associated functions:
Commands PER, PEG, PEB – Programmable Exposure
Applicable modes:
Shutter-select mode only
Command GA – Master Gain Level
This function is a global gain adjustment for all channels.
-123 to 429
Associated functions:
Commands GAR and GAB - Gain level red and gain level blue.
8.13 Commands GAR and GAB – Gain level red and gain level blue.
In conjunction with the Command GA, this function allows the individual setting of gain for
all channels. It is important to note that increasing the gain will lead to an increased noise
level and reduced S/N-Ratio.
-231 to 231
Associated function:
Command GA – Master gain level
Applicable modes:
All modes
8.14 Commands GAR2 and GAB2 – Fine gain (R ch and B ch)
Fine gain can be digitally controlled.
31768 to 33768
x0.969 (31768/32768) to x1.03(33768/32768) (R ch and B ch)
8.15 Command NK – Knee function enable/disable
This command turns the knee function on or off.
The sensor output is digitized to 4095LSB of dynamic range. When input (CCD output) and
output (Camera link data) relations is set at linear, the output is clipped at 1023 LSB and