AM-201CL / AB-201CL
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7.3.3 Trigger Overlap (Command: TO)
This function sets if a trigger pulse can be accepted while data is being read out or not.
The trigger pulse is not accepted during CCD readout.
This works the same as the LVAL asynchronous mode.
TO=1 Read Out
The trigger pulse can be accepted during CCD readout.
If the trigger pulse is input during CCD readout, it operates as LVAL
synchronous and if the trigger is input while the CCD is not being
read out, it operates as LVAL asynchronous.
7.3.4 Pre-Dump (Command: TD)
The pre-dump command has TD=0 (disable) and TD=1 (enable) modes.
This command can be used with EM=1 (Timed) and it operates the same as RCT mode.
If this mode is “enabled”:
Until the trigger is input, the camera operates continuously and the video signal for the
auto-iris lens is output. When the trigger is input, the fast dump is activated to read out
the electronic charge very quickly, after which the accumulation and the readout are
performed. When the signal is read out, FVAL , LVAL and DVAL are output too.
7.4. Exposure auto control (Commands: ASC, ASCS, ASCEA, ASCEI)
This turns the auto exposure function “ON” or “OFF” and provides settings for various
ASC=0 (OFF), ASC=1 (ON)
ASCS: ASC tracking speed setting. Range is from 1 to 16 (Default is 8).
ASCEA: Maximum exposure time in the ASC mode. Range is from 10 to 1048575 (
ASCEI: Minimum exposure time in the ASC mode. Range is from 10 to 1048575 (
This function is available for continuous operation and pre-dump ON.