Engine Maintenance Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Jabiru 2200 & 3300 Aircraft Engines
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Dated : 2nd June 2015
Issued By: AS
Page: 45 of 103
L:\files\Manuals_For_Products\Engine_Manuals\Engine Maintenance Manual 22 & 33\JEM0002-5.docx
Service Interval Tolerance
A tolerance of plus or minus 3 hours is allowable on all service intervals set within this manual
Engine life is measured via direct tachometer hour meters or “Hobbs” meters. Air switches or
scaled hour readings based on cumulative power output are not to be used to determine when
overhauls or services are due.
Basic Inspection Procedure
Test run engine: record anomalies.
Remove the engine cowlings and inspect the engine bay in “dirty” condition.
Clean the engine bay & propeller
Carry out the inspections listed in Table 13.
Test and re-assemble the aircraft. Test fly if required.
Work Sheets
Work sheets designed to suit the inspections below are included in Section 11. These sheets
are designed to be fast to fill out and to give all required detail from a particular inspection
when affixed in the log book.
The use of these worksheets by maintainers is strongly recommended.
Mandatory Inspections & Lifed Items.
Engine life is as noted in Section 9.25.
Lifed components of the engine are detailed in the Engine Overhaul Manual.
Mandatory inspections are detailed in Table 13.
8.4.1 Flexible Hoses
All flexible hoses in the engine compartment should be replaced at engine overhaul or every 2
years whichever comes first. Hoses which show visible deterioration (cracking, excessive
hardening) should be replaced immediately, irrespective of age.
Engine Inspection Chart
The chart below shows the recommended intervals at which items are to be inspected.
Additional detail of the maintenance required for each point is given in the sections below the
inspection chart.
As shown in the chart, there are items to be inspected each
25 hours, 50 hours, 100 hours
200 hours
. There are also special inspection items that require inspection
or servicing at intervals other than those in the normal inspection chart.
At 50 hour inspections all items marked under
Each 25 Hours
are inspected, serviced or
otherwise completed in addition to the items marked under
Each 50 Hours
When conducting an inspection at 100 hours, all items marked under
Each 25 Hours & Each
50 Hours
are inspected, serviced or otherwise completed in addition to the items marked
Each 100 Hours
At each 200 hours inspection the
25 Hour, 50 Hour
100 hour
items are completed in
addition to the items marked under
Each 200 Hours
An inspection conducted Annually would likewise include the
, 50,
hour items in
addition to the items marked under
Annual Inspection
A complete aircraft inspection includes all
25, 50, 100, 200
hour and
items together
with those shown in the Aircraft Technical Manual and Propeller Manual.