CANio 250 Quickstart Manual, version 1.2
5 Software
CANio 250 can be operated as a simple CAN module as well as a CANopen
The CANio 250 is delivered with a standard configuration. The following chap-
ters do refer to this standard configuration. Anyhow it is possible, to configure
the device for the personal, specific requirements. Beside others, configurable
Node number, Message-IDs
Cycle time of the messages
Debounce time
Behavior of the digital inputs (default value, edge triggering)
The configuration possibilities are versatile. Details are described in the CANio
250 manual which can be downloaded from www.ixxat.com.
Dependent on the use case, the various configuration possibilities can be
achieved as described below:
Via the comfortable CANio 250 configuration tool which can be down-
loaded from www.ixxat.com.
In pure CAN networks with the message sequences described in the
CANio 250 manual
In CANopen networks by the corresponding LSS services or objects
(see CANio 250 manual)
Should the desired functionality not be reached by the described configuration
possibilities, the “Application Development Kit (ADK)” to be purchased at HMS
can be used to design a specific application which can be executed on the
CANio 250.