CNC Base machinery / CNC machinery: Type EuroMod
Assembly instruction / Operating instruction for EuroMod 30, 45, 65
page 8
Appropriate processing materials are light metals, plastics, wood, glass, platinum materials, etc.
Not permitted are materials which produces during processing harmful gases
The CNC-machine is prepared for an extraction unit device. This extraction unit is preferably
suitable for dry dust (wood dust, fiberglass / fiberglass dust, platinum dust, etc.).
CNC base machine
(partly completed machine) can be added by you as the buyer
of the base-machine with a variety of appropriate processing tools to a CNC-machine
(complete machine) in compliance with the requirements of the machinery directive. You
are responsible for CE certification if you use the machine itself resp. sell (bring to
market). The CE certification also includes the legally required identification of a safe
machine by the CE mark.
CNC-machinery for milling processes:
The CNC-milling-machines are designed for milling/drilling of the following materials:
copper, brass, plastics (e.g. GRP / fiberglass), wood
The processing of magnesium is prohibited because of fire.
During the processing of steel / stainless steel only engraving or a processing with low cutting
forces is possible.
It shall not be used milling spindles with a toolholder greater than ISO 25 or HSK 25 (hollow
shank taper). The speed of the spindle drive may not be higher than the corresponding
processing speed for the material.
All machines are designed for milling spindles (spindle machining, induction motor) with a
maximum of 3 kW drive power.
Cutters and drills may be used up to a maximum shaft diameter of 12 mm.
The tools form cutters and conical formers for timber industry may be used up to a maximum
cutting diameter of 45mm and a shaft diameter of 12 mm.
The rapid traverse velocity should not exceed the values of 150mm/sec till 200mm/sec
depending on the machine size.
The feed rate of the processing tool in the material must be determined technologically
and should be smaller than the rapid traverse speed.
For the secure clamping of the tools in the tool holder, the user is responsible.
To the reasonably foreseeable misuse belongs the operation of the machine by two
persons. It is prohibited that one person presses in test-mode (see also 6.2 Operation
modes) the acknowledge button (ACK) and another person is touching into the
machines workspace or do work in another way when the safety door is open and an
axis movement is going on.
There must be no manipulations on the locking of the safety door.