CNC Base machinery / CNC machinery: Type EuroMod
Assembly instruction / Operating instruction for EuroMod 30, 45, 65
page 23
Operation modes
Operation mode AUTO = AUTOMATIC = Processing mode
In operation mode AUTO you can process a selected (i.e. opened) application program
(ISO- / PAL- / NCP- or CNC file) on your CNC machine and so the work piece becomes
processed. The door / cover is locked while processing is active, that is the axes of the
machine are moving.
In operation mode AUTO you can open the door / cover of the CNC machine at first when
all axes do not move (standstill monitoring)
working spindle (e.g. the milling spindle
of a CNC milling machine) does not rotate (speed = 0 Rpm), i.e. also is switched off.
For opening the door / cover the operator has to push the COVER button.
When the door / cover is closed again it will be locked automatically by the safety interlock.
Operation mode TEST = TEST = Setup mode
For test and monitoring purposes the operation mode TEST can be used.
In order to change from operation mode AUTO to operation mode TEST turn the key in the
key switch on the operator panel to right, i.e. to position TEST.
In operation mode TEST you can process a selected (i.e. opened) application program
(ISO- / PAL- / NCP- or CNC file) on your CNC machine even when the door / cover is
open, but with the following
two restrictions
When the door / cover is open, the application program is processed as
long as the ACK-button (ACKnowledge button) keeps pushed by the operator.
Operation mode TEST has no influence on the velocity (as normal motion
as fast motion) of the axes, the current velocity keeps unchanged. But the working spindle
will not turn because the frequency converter is disabled in this mode.
Releasing the
Acknowledge-button (ACK-Button)
when the door / cover is open causes
an EMERGENCY STOP and therewith a switch off the power voltage supply for the motor
power amplifiers and for the frequency converter(s) driving the working spindle(s). In TEST
mode the switch on of the working spindle is scotched by the safety circuit module.
Attention! Risk of injury!
The key switch = mode selection switch may be used only by authorized
and knowledgeable staff, because there is no protection against moving
machinery axes when the door / cover is opened in TEST mode.