Applications Guide
Modline 5
Figure 83: Automatic Peak Picker Reset
When the measured temperature is above the selected Reset Below Temperature the displayed
temperature will be the measured temperature with the Peak Picker signal conditioning action applied
subject to the selected Response Time. The Auto Peak Picker Reset can effectively be used to turn ON
the Peak Picker function when the target is in view and to turn it OFF when the target is out of view.
The Reset Below temperature must be properly selected to provide the measurement
conditions wanted. Too high of a selected temperature may cause the peaking action not
to be activated if the target is cooler than the selected temperature. If the Reset Below
temperature selected is too low Peak Picker action will continuously take place with
higher background temperatures.
Auto Reset can be affected by long response times. The selected Response Time should be fast enough
to allow the selected Reset Below Temperature captured and be used to accomplish the reset.
Peak Picker Delay
The Peak Picker Delay function is used to delay the start of the peaking action for up to 10 seconds
following the detection of the leading edge of a new target. This function is turned on with the Sensor
rear panel PSEL menu DEL function or the RS-485 PD Command. It operates independently of the Auto
Reset and reset below functions.
It has limited operation when used with Peak Picker signal conditioning without the Auto Peak Picker
Reset function. It will provide the selected delay for the first hot target seen after any Peak Picker Reset.
The reset can be from the Sensor rear panel, a reset from a momentary closure of the Peak Picker Reset
external switch or a reset from the RS485 PR command
The primary use of Peak Picker Delay is with the Auto Peak Picker Reset and Reset Below Temperature
functions as explained below.
The Peak Picker Delay time-out will be not begin until a target whose temperature is above the selected
Reset Below Temperature comes into view and remains in view.
relation to the target temperature and the reset below temperature level. The Peak Picker action will
begin after the selected delay time and will continue until the actual measured temperature goes below
Sensor Output
Target Temperature
Reset Below Temperature