Modline 5
before returning to the TEMP display if no further selection or adjustment is made. The main menu
functions are shown below. Some functions are model specific and only appear for those models.
ENGR (Engineering Functions)
LOCK (Panel Access Security Setup)
VER (Sensor Firmware Version)
MODL (Model Number Scrolling)
RELY (Alarm Relay Operation Setup)
F/C (°F and °C Selection)
CHK (Initiate System Check)
HOUR (Automatic System Check Setup)
WRNL (Optional Dirty Window Detector Setup)
Sets Ratio Sensor
Invalid Condition as Alarm)
AOUT (Analog Signal Output Selection and Scaling)
SOUT (Select Analog Output Current Range)
ZERO (Set Analog Zero Scale Temperature)
FULL (Set Analog Full Scale Temperature)
Fatl (Set Output Current for Sensor or DWD Error)
A–LO (Set Alarm Current Output for Temperature Below ZERO)
A–HI (Set Alarm Current Output for Temperature Above FULL)
COMM (RS485 Digital Communications)
CLCK (Communications Lock, Read Only or Read and Write Setup)
LASR (Select Laser Sight Activation Mode)
ADDR (Set Sensor Address)
BRAT (Set Baud Rate)
HEAD (Sensor Operating Functions)
EMIS (Set Emissivity for Brightness or 1 Color Sensor)
E-SL (Set E-Slope for 2 Color Ratio Sensor)
R.T. (Set Response Time)
SIGL (Signal Conditioning Peak Picker or Track/Hold)
PSEL (Peak Picker Sub Function Settings)
COLR (Set Ratio Unit for 2 Color or 1 Color Operation)
MTCH (Match Known Temperature)
SUB FUNCTION PSEL (Peak Picker Function Settings)
D.R. (Decay Rate in ºF or ºC per Second)
AUTO (Auto Peak Picker Reset)
RSET (Manual Peak Picker Reset)
RBEL (Reset Below Temperature)
DEL (Peak Signal Conditioning Delay)