Optidrive P2 Elevator User Guide V2.30
Comfort Optimisation
3 - Travel Comfort at
Levelling speed/Low speed
at low
Check there are no mechanical problems.
Confirm that the drive is not operating in current limit (Flashing dots on Display) if it is
then reduce load/confirm correct motor data has been entered.
On Gearless closed loop system with motor rated frequency >32Hz or open loop operation
ensure the motor back EMF voltage is correct, see section 12.4.
If it is found that the travel comfort is good at high speed but poor at Levelling speed then
the low speed gains can be utilised.
If low speed gains (P4-16 & P4-17) are not being used then reduce P4-03 (Run speed P-
gain) and Increase P4-04 (Run speed I-gain).
If low speed gains (P4-16 & P4-17) are being used then reduce P4-16 (Low speed P-gain)
and Increase P4-17 (Low speed I-gain)
Further guidance on tuning the speed loop gains is given in section 13.2.
If operating in Enhanced V/F mode (P4-01=2) confirm that the motor rated speed in P1-10
is set correctly, as detailed in 11.7.
If operating in Enhanced V/F mode (P4-01=2) try reducing P1-07 (Motor rated Voltage),
also the V/F characteristic (P4-10/P4-11) may need adjustment.
4 - Stopping Comfort
felt when
Ensure motor contactor is not opening before the drive output is disabled/Brake applied, if
controlled by the drive try increasing P3-06.
Increase P3-10 (Zero speed holding time on disable).
If a brake apply speed (P3-09) has been set reduce the value.
when the
motor brake
applies (due
to instant
removal of
In Gearless applications (P4-01=3) Increase P3-19 (Torque reduction during stopping),
parameter P3-10 (Zero speed holding time on disable) can also can be increased to give
further improvement.
If the
motor is
pulled in the
(due to the
effect of the
Increase P4-03 (Run speed P-gain) or P4-16 (Low speed P-gain) if low speed gains are being
Further guidance on tuning the speed loop gains is given in section 13.2.
Check P3-19 is not set too high resulting in torque loss prior to stopping.
5 - Floor Level Accuracy
that car is
landing at
the floor
Ensure the correct motor data has been entered and an auto-tune has been performed.
If operating in Enhanced V/F mode (P4-01=2) and the car is not reaching the floor ensure
there is suitable low-speed torque, try increasing V/F mode boost (P1-11), increasing too
high can result in excess current (motor stall) and motor overheating.
If the car is not reaching the floor try increasing P2-02 (levelling speed)/ P3-05 (Stopping
If the car is overshooting the floor decrease P2-02 (levelling speed)/ P3-05 (Stopping jerk).
If operating in Enhanced V/F mode (P4-01=2) confirm that the motor rated speed in P1-10
is set correctly, as detailed in section 11.7.
Ensure speed loop gains are optimally tuned so that the speed following error is minimised
Increase P4-03 (Run speed P-gain) and reduce P4-04 (Run speed I-gain) or if using the low
speed gains increase P4-16 (Low speed P-gain) and reduce P4-17 (Low speed I-gain).
Further guidance on tuning the speed loop gains is given in section 13.2.