3. Satellite
This view provides information on the Satellite’s Information, Tracking Common
Information, DVB and NBD Tracking Transponder, LNB Local Frequency, and Sat-
ellite Library. This view shows a graphic UI of the current satellite that the antenna
is pointing at and the satellites that are located at a 180° arc on the horizon with
reference to the current position.
Based on the satellite EIRP footprint and the size of the antenna, you may not
be able to track all the satellites visible in 180° arc.
- Tracking Information of Current Satellite:
displays the current satellite’s name,
longitude position, and satellite skew of the satellite in the library.
- Tracking Common Information:
displays the current LNB local oscillator fre-
quency that is in use and the corresponding voltage supplied. Selects the tracking
mode (DVB / NBD) to be used and sets polarization (Horizontal / Vertical) for the
RX pol and the TX pol.