v130G – Marine Satellite Communication System
Setup Block Zone
Up to 5 blockage or radiation hazard zones can be programmed with relative
azimuth and elevation sectors.
Block zone menu
Block zone range
Block zone 1
Antenna menu
Setup mode
S E T U P M O D E ?
1. Press LEFT arrow key to move cursor to YES and press OK key to enter SETUP mode.
+ A N T E N N A + S A T E L L I T E
+ S Y S T E M + I N S T A L L A T I O N
2. Press OK key to enter ANTENNA menu
+ B L O C K Z O N E + D I A G N O S I S
3. Press RIGHT arrow key to move cursor to BLOCK ZONE menu and press OK key to select.
Up to 5 blockage zones can be programmed.
Z O N E 1 B L O C K
A Z . 1 S T A R T
A Z . 1 E N D
E L . 1 L I M I T
0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0
Press UP and DOWN arrow keys to select “ON” to setup the block zone for ZONE 1.
Press OK key to use ZONE 1 BLOCK and set zone 1 block range.
Press BACK key to select the parameter you wish to edit and press the BACK key again to
save or abort and return to the main display.
Set the AZ.1 START, AZ.1 END and EL.1 LIMIT while ZONE 1 BLOCK is ON.
This is the clockwise of the two points. AZ.1 START is where the relative azimuth starts
and AZ.1 END is where the relative azimuth ends (Range: 0- 360°). EL.1 Limit is where the
elevation starts (Range 0- 90°).
Press LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys until the desired character is underscored (selected).
Press UP and DOWN arrow keys to increase and decrease the selected character.
Or Press NUMBER keys to set the desired value directly. Press OK key to set the parameter.
Press BACK key to select the parameter you wish to edit and press BACK key again to save
or abort and return to the main display.