- GPS:
displays and sets current antenna’s GPS.
- Heading:
displays and sets current ship’s heading information.
· Heading Device: None / NMEA/ NMEA 2000/Ground Test.
The baud rate (4800/ 9600/ 19200/ 38400) must be set if NMEA is selected.
- Bow Information:
displays and sets current antenna’s bow.
- Skew:
displays current antenna’s skew and skew offset.
· Pol Sensor Calibration: calibrates the sensor (potentiometer).
· Reset Mechanical Skew Offset: the mechanical skew offset is preset in the
factory with a default value (0, 1, or 2) depending on the assembly status.
Resetting of the mechanical skew offset may be required when the satellite
skew offset is unknown (Consolidated Skew Offset = satellite skew offset
+ mechanical skew offset). Due to each satellite has its own skew offset,
Intellian recommends you check with your service provider or satellite
operator to get the satellite skew offset value and input it in Satellite Work
Tab rather than resetting the mechanical skew offset directly.
- Antenna Angle:
displays and sets current antenna’s absolute and relative AZ
(azimuth) position, EL (elevation) position and LNB Pol angle. You can move
antenna azimuth and elevation position and LNB Pol angle by using the arrows or
inputting a value to find the desired satellite manually.