· Use Modem Lock:
selects whether or not to use external lock
signal from the modem. “Use Modem Lock” will only be activated
when the modem protocol is set as I/O Console.
· TX Mute:
TX Mute is a transmit inhibit output from the ACU to dis
able /mute the modem transmit through a 5 V (HIGH) or 0 V (LOW)
current whenever the antenna is blocked, searching, or is mis-
pointed 0.5 degrees from peak satellite position. TX Mute will only
be activated when modem protocol is set as I/O console.
· Modem Lock:
is the modem lock output from the modem. It pro
vides a logic input through a 5V (HIGH) or 0 V (LOW) current to the
ACU to identify when the system is on the correct satellite.
“Modem Lock” will only be activated when modem protocol is set
as I/O Console.
7. GUI
This view shows a graphical representation of the current antenna position which
allows you to easily identify whether or not the antenna is aligned properly to the
target satellite or is in a block zone. In addition, this view shows the current satel-
lite that the antenna is pointed towards and the satellites that are located at a 180°
arc on the horizon, according to the current position.
Based on the satellite EIRP footprint and the size of the antenna,
you may not be able to track all the satellites visible in 180° arc.