12 Automation lntegration
12.1 Integration Instructions
Automation lntegration
This section provides information and instructions required to integrate the ProMill 8000 within a
flexible manufacturing system (FMS).
Section Contents: Automation Integration
CNC Programming for Robotic Communication
Sample Robot - CNC Communication Sequence
Sample Robotic - CNC lntegration Programs
In order to be integrated into an FMS the ProMill 8000 must be able to work with machine related
automation functions like an automated shield and an automated clamping device. It must also be able
to communicate with a robot for the loading and unloading sequence and be able to run a G Code by
command from an external control device, such as a robot program, device driver or other control
This section provides instructions on how to integrate the ProMill 8000 with various other components.
Section Contents: Integration Instructions
Integrating with an Automated Shield (Pneumatic)
Integrating with an Automated Clamping Device (Pneumatic)
Interfacing with a Robot or other FMS Entity
Integrating with an Automated Shield (Pneumatic)
Take Note
Detailed installation instructions are provided with each optional accessory purchased.
The automated shield must be closed during machine operation to protect the operator. The shield is
shown in its closed position in the photograph below (left). The shield must be opened to allow access
for an automated loading device.
Sensors on the pneumatic piston send signals indicating its current open/closed status to the machine
through an input port.
The machine sends open/close commands to the shield through an output port.
The I/O ports are located at the right side of the machine, as shown in the photograph below (right).