8 Basic CNC Programming
8.4 NC Codes
Circular interpolation (counterclockwise)
The Units Group
By default, an NC program is interpreted using the units of measure (inch or metric) specified using the
Units command on the Setup menu.
The codes in the Units Group, G70 (inch) and G71 (metric), are used to override the Units setting for the
entire program.
If the code is placed at the beginning of the program before any tool motions are made, that unit of
measure is assumed for the entire program. If placed later in the program, only the parts of the program
following the code are affected.
These codes can be used to switch between inch and metric modes throughout the program.
The Fanuc equivalents, G20 (inch) and G21 (metric), can also be used.
Info Table: Units Group
Inch Units
Metric Units
Fanuc inch units
Fanuc metric units
The Wait Group
Wait Group codes apply only to the block in which they appear. The program does not continue until the
wait conditions are satisfied.
The supported Wait Group codes are:
Info Table: Wait Group
Dwell (wait)
Pause between motions on all axes for the number of seconds specified by the F code, then
continue the program. This is used primarily for robot integration. Because the F code is used
to specify the number of seconds, you cannot also specify a new feed rate in the same block.
Example: G04F10; Wait for 10 seconds
Do not use G04 to create a pause for a tool change during a program.
Use G05 instead.