Operating Principle
In order to avoid this browser warning as well, you must enter the Common
Name of the router to be accessed into the address bar of your browser. The
Common Name must be connected with the IP address of the device that the
URL leads to the correct device. You can find out the general name (Common
Name) by downloading and viewing the certificate from the device. The
proceeding for this depends on your browser. The proceeding for setting up
the link depends on your operating system.
Editing of /etc/hosts (Linux/Unix)
Editing of C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows XP/7/8/10)
Configuring your own DNS server
For further information, refer to the documentation of your operating system.
Authentication via an own certificate structure
Alternatively, it is also possible to use an own certificate structure and upload
a self-generated certificate/key combination to the router to use this for the
access via an HTTPS connection.
You need to upload your self-generated certificate/key combination in the
certificate manager of the router first (menu Administration -> Certificates).
Then, this certificate/key combination must be selected when configuring the
web interface access via HTTPS (menu Administration -> Web interface).