MLR 3G 2.0
Configure Daily Login and Logout
The MLR 3G 2.0 can log out of the mobile network and in again daily at a specified time.
This enables you to limit the connection to certain times. Using periodic logout and login,
you will increase the availability of the MLR 3G 2.0, which may otherwise be impaired by
several circumstances, which require a re-login into the network, e.g. maintenance work
at the mobile network. We recommend to use this function.
We urgently recommend to login the MLR 3G 2.0 into the mobile network
again daily to get a high availability.
Configuration with the web interface
Enter the
desired time for the daily logout
in the menu "UMTS" into the entry
fields "Daily log-out at" in the format "hh:mm".
Enter the
desired time for the daily login
in the menu "UMTS" into the entry
fields "Daily log-in at" in the format "hh:mm".
Check the checkbox "Activate daily log-out and log-in" to enable the function.
Save your settings
by clicking "OK".
This function allows the direct transmission of AT commands to the communication de-
vice of the MLR 3G 2.0. The response is displayed directly below the entry field.
Configuration with the web interface
Enter the
desired AT command
in the menu "UMTS" in the section "Terminal"
into the entry field "AT command".
Transmit the command
by clicking "OK".