MLR 3G 2.0
You can update the MLR 3G 2.0 with a new firmware or a new configuration using the
web interface. A detailed description about these processes can be found in the following
sections "Updating the Firmware" and "Uploading the Configuration File" of this manual.
Moreover, the MLR 3G 2.0 allows a daily automatic update of firmware files, configura-
tion files (binary and ASCII) or sandbox image files. These must be provided on a server
accordingly for this.
Configuration with the web interface
In order to
enable the automatic update
, check in the "System" menu on the
"Update" page the checkbox "Activate automatic daily update".
In order to
select the file transmission protocol
, select the radio button "HTTP"
or "FTP".
In order to
specify the storage location of the update files
, enter the IP ad-
dress or the domain name of the server into the "Server" field and the respec-
tive port into the "Port" field. It is also possible to specify sub-directories of the
server that are to be searched for the files.
In order to
define a fix, MAC-depending time for the daily update
, select un-
der "Update time" the radio button "depending on MAC".
In order to
define a user-defined time for the daily update
, select under "Up-
date time" the radio button "fix" and enter the time for the update.
If the
file access is to be protected by an authentication
, enter the respective
access data into the fields "User name" and "Password".
In order to
initiate the automatic update immediately
, check the checkbox
"Search for updates now".
Save your settings
by clicking "OK".
In order to
upload a firmware or configuration file (binary or ASCII)
, click in
the section "Manual update" on the "Browse..." button. Then, select in the "Up-
load file" window the desired image file on the respective data carrier and
click on the "Open" button. Click on "OK" then to upload the file.