MLR 3G 2.0
Configuring the LED Display of the Switch Ports
You can determine how the events at the network and the states of the switch ports are
displayed at the switch port status LEDs. We recommend not to change the basic settings
and to change the displays only temporarily for diagnosis purposes.
Configuration with the web interface
Select for the
respective network event or the state of the port the colour of
the LED display
of the switch port status LED in the menu "Switch" on the
page "LED configuration" via the radio buttons.
Save your settings
by clicking "OK".
Configuring VLAN
The switch of the MLR 3G 2.0 can be divided in up to four VLANs. The VLANs are de-
scribed as VLAN A, VLAN B, VLAN C, and VLAN D. The ports 1 to 4 are the switch ports ac-
cessible from outside. The MLR 3G 2.0 itself is connected to the 4-port switch via an in-
ternal port. The belonging of a port to a VLAN can be defined. The MLR 3G 2.0 can also
belong to a VLAN. Each Ethernet packet that belongs to a VLAN will be marked by an
identifier (tag). The VLAN tag contains the VLAN ID amongst others. Each port that be-
longs to a VLAN, will insert the VLAN tag automatically for the received packets, if it not
already contained in the packet.
Configuration with the web interface
In order to
enable the VLAN configuration
, check in the "Switch" menu on the
"VLAN configuration" page the checkbox "Activate VLAN configuration".
In order to
assign a port or the router to a VLAN
, check the respective check-
box in the configuration matrix.
In order to
specify a VLAN ID for a >VLAN
, enter it into the field "VLAN ID".
In order to
specify for a port that belongs to a VLAN, whether it shall insert a
VLAN tag into every received packet, or remove a possibly already existing
, use the radio buttons "Insert VLAN tag" or "Remove VLAN tag" for the re-
spective port. If a port shall belong to several VLANs, the VLAN tag must not
be removed. The device connected to this port must be able to interpret these
VLAN tags. The VLAN tags will always be removed for packets to the router.
Save your settings
by clicking "OK".
Loss of availability!
The configuration will immediately be transferred to the switch
after clicking on "OK". This may result that the MLR 3G 2.0 can-
not be accessed any more.
Therefore, configure the set VLAN on your locally connected
device accordingly.